Chapter 5 - Escape

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She was cute.

It was too bad I had to get rid of her.

I hadn't seen someone so deliciously awkward in such a long time. The way she folded her arms tight against her chest as Hoseok barked his orders. He was being so hard on her. So was Jungkook. I would have to thank them for that later. It made it much easier to do my job. The crueler they were to her here, the sooner she would come to my arms.

Then I'd make her leave.

"I want to leave," she whispered next to me.

Dang. Already? I hadn't even started my job yet.

"Do you?" I asked.

She nodded.

Excellent. Let the games begin.

I grabbed her hand, pulling her outside. 

Let's remember what freedom tastes like, shall we, Little Princess?

I dragged her out to the gardens. She seemed struck by them. As she should have been. They were really beautiful here. 

We talked as we walked in the gardens. She wasn't obnoxious, at least. Not like the other women I had the displeasure of meeting on the job. Some were decent, sure. But a lot of them had too much money to be normal.

Y/N was normal. It was nice for a change.

"I forgot how great this garden is," I said. "It really is the best of all the kingdoms."

"Do you travel a lot?" Y/N asked.

"Hoseok and I travel to many different kingdoms to teach royalty, CEOs, spoiled rich girls, and anyone in between."

"Sounds like an amazing job."

I frowned. "It pays the bills, I guess."

Some of them, anyways. 

"You don't sound too thrilled." she said. 

It's better than the life I was living before.

But I wasn't going to say that. 

Being a pianist was a decent gig, but it didn't pay me a lot. Hoseok had a decent reputation, but mine was basically non-existent. People knew me because they knew Hoseok. I wanted my own reputation. My own fame.

But any fame I had was from my previous life. Not this one.

"I'd prefer something a little more exciting, maybe." I said to her.


I heard my name and smirked. Speak of the devil. Hoseok was looking for me.

Y/N looked panicked. Was she afraid of getting caught? 

Ha. Maybe I'd shake her up a bit more.

I wrapped a hand around her waist and put my hand over her mouth, pulling her back into the vineyard. She squirmed a bit, but trusted me more than I expected her to. I pulled her down into a hiding position among the vines.

"Wha err hew tooin?" she asked, my hand muffling her question.

I leaned into her ear. "Shhh. It's more fun this way."

I inhaled her scent as Hoseok and Taehyung scrambled to find us. Her skin was soft against my hand, her breathing shallow. 

Focus, Yoongi. 

When they had left, I let her go and sat back against the vines.

"That was fun," I said.

She raised an eyebrow at me. Then she laughed. A clear, innocent laugh that I couldn't help but smile at. The harder she laughed, the more I couldn't stop myself from joining her.

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