Then he strikes.

I can’t hide my moan from his heightened senses and I don’t want to. He’s told me before that the sounds I make, the wanton noises I allow to escape anyway, make him mad for me. I know to him it’s like surrendering myself, which I find silly. I surrendered myself completely the first night he broke into my apartment like the low down creepy vampire he is.

It just took me awhile to realize it.

His tongue soothes the slight sting of his bite as he pulls away before his hand curls around my thigh making me smirk to myself. Oh no, we’re not going to replay that little bit of memory besides didn’t he just say that sight was all his? Grabbing his hand I fling it back from my thigh and turn in his arms making his eyes widen a bit. I don’t like the contacts he’s wearing. The brown, though not taking away from his handsome features is disappointing. Still, I can see the reason why we need to be careful in a more mainstream club like this.

If we were in a more underground club we could get away with our real eye colors. My own eyes have changed from their original murky hazel to a more brightened molten gold with flecks of green in them, a gift of the change I assume. Apparently along with breathtaking looks, fangs, a new diet and crazy ninja moves we also get odd colored eyes meant to lure and hypnotize.

So I too am wearing contacts, green is the color of the evening.

“No play time?” Edgar pouts.

I roll my eyes, “Not here, you horn dog.”


“Because didn’t you just say you wanted the sight to yourself?”

He pretends to reach realization, “Ah yes, I did.”


“But I can’t stop myself when you dance like that, Anna. You know how insane you make me.” He borderline whines.

“Don’t whine. You’re a big badass vampire, not a child.” I chide.

He smiles smugly, “So you admit I’m big and a badass?”

“Cocky.” I sigh dejectedly.


“Aren’t you going to eat?” I prompt.

“Bored with me already?”


He chuckles deeply before kissing my cheek, “Your wish is my command, my lady.”

“Is it?” I ask surprised, “I’ll remind you of that later.”

“Please do.” He winks before blowing me a kiss and leaving.

Rolling my eyes but grinning as well I also turn and walk the opposite direction. I don’t make it far. A hand, tight like a vise on my wrist comes down on me holding me still before yanking me into a dark corner behind the DJ booth. I’m slammed into the dark stoned wall so hard I hear it crack as my head whips back to connect to it. Feeling a bit dizzy I look up to see a pair of glowing flint gray eyes glaring down at me with so much hate I swear my skin could boil from the hate in them.

“So, he’s changed you has he?” a aristocratic British accent asks in a disgusted tone, “First a pathetic human and now a weak vampire.”


“Don’t remember me, poppet?” he asks with a sneer, “My name is Henry. We met at your beloved’s little dinner party.”

Henry? I take him in visually. His tall sinewy build is dressed in a white button up with the top two buttons loosened, a white suit jacket and matching white suit pants with black dress shoes. This ensemble is paired with honey blonde hair and chiseled jaw but it’s his eye that makes recognition dawn on me. He was one of the coven members who were at Edgar’s house when Josette threw her bitch fit.

The Sweetest DeathTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon