chapter twenty five

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marvel fam🍾
( 11 participants )

robert daddy jr
so tom

itsy bitsy spider🕷
you owe us a thank u

the worst hemsworth😫
ya wtf thomas

depressed spiderboy

depressed spiderboy
thanks gUys i rlly appreciated the
peer pressure from u guys

the incredible little bitch
i love how i never helped and i
still take all of the credit

ya where were you

the king (chadwick obvs)
yeah what

the big green guy
taking a break from you hoes😤

an olsen but not mary kate or ashley
i'm so happy for you tommy

the crab from the little mermaid
sooo tom?

MAC n cheese
did you guys.. you know

robert daddy jr
how dare you ask my son such a

depressed spiderboy
no we went back to my place and watched
all of the four seasons netflix has of law &
order and we cuddled it was so much fun

the big green guy
um. okay.

itsy bitsy spider🕷
why are you guys a middle aged couple

a perfect way to end the day that consisted
of: running from the alter, finally became a
couple, literally ruined a guys life. decides
to do: the lamest possible thing

an olsen but not mary kate or ashley
tom you're such a virgin

depressed spiderboy

MAC n cheese
stop lying to yourself it's bad for the
skin :))))

depressed spiderboy

robert daddy jri'd hate to take all the credit

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robert daddy jr
i'd hate to take all the credit

robert daddy jr
but i did all the work just saying

the incredible little bitch
um i mean i think i am tom's favorite so
i think i contributed in that sense

the crab from the little mermaid
mark you didn't do anything

ya we all raised our son without you

depressed spiderboy
i'm gonna go now.

depressed spiderboy
but thank you guys so much, i've never
been happier in my life

depressed spiderboy
see you all on the press tour👅👅👅

the king (chadwick obvs)
i feel like we should have way more
people in this chat

robert daddy jr


oof only like two more chapters

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