chapter twenty-two

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TOM DECIDED TO DRIVE so Liliana wouldn't be distracted while she ranted to him

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TOM DECIDED TO DRIVE so Liliana wouldn't be distracted while she ranted to him. She had a lot to say, about Lucas, the future, and even Blair Holmes from high school. Somehow everything fit into the same conversation.

"Where are we going?" Liliana asks, still not knowing where Tom was driving.

"A lot of places. You'll just have to wait, Lils."

"I missed you calling me that."

"Me too."

There was silence after a while. Liliana soon began to recognize the neighborhood the were driving in. She smiled warmly as they pulled in front of the large yellow house.

"My childhood home. Haven't been here since-"

"I know. I stayed here when I came to visit you. It was my first time in America that wasn't for a movie. I remember every night for the week I was here, we would sit on your porch and eat popsicles. It was a simpler time," He laughs.

"You're telling me," Liliana jokes, widening her eyes.

"Doesn't someone probably live here?"

"I'm Spiderman. They'll be fine with it."

The blonde girl rolls her eyes as she looks at the house she learned to walk in. Tears began to fill her green eyes as the cool breeze gently blew her hair back.

"I'm so sorry, Tom." She mumbles, her eyes set straight forward at her former home.

"I know. I am too." He replied, looking at her, as her bright blonde hair flew back.

"I always imagined my wedding being at the right time, place, and just... perfect," she folded her arms together, as she was getting cold, "And now. None of that is right. I know you always call me an I-love-you-slut, but for the first time, love isn't enough."

"Because you're not with the right guy." Tom stated, staring at her.

"Can we go?" She asks, looking at Tom with a light smile. He nods and the two head back to the car.

Tom drives in the opposite direction of Tom's house, making her confused. "We're not going home now?"

Tom scoffs, "We're not only going to you're old house, there's one more stop."

Liliana smiles at Tom and looks out the passenger door window. It's now almost 1:00 am and she's getting married in 15 hours. She lets the thought of walking down the asile go to the back of her mind.

It was only a few minutes before Tom pulled into their final destination, and Liliana's heart dropped. She opened her door and began walking with Tom. When they finally reached their final spot, it was silent. No laughs, no tears. 

Tom had taken Liliana to her father's grave.

She stared at it for a few moments. Not speaking, but her mind was racing with thoughts. Her thinking was interrupted by Tom saying, "He wouldn't want you to marry him. I know he wouldn't."

"He loved you like a son, Tom."

"Lils, he loved you more than anything. Which is why he wouldn't ever give you away to that stupid dentist."

"I wish he was still here. He could tell me what to do. What I'm doing wrong. He was so, so smart. Smarter than me. It makes me angry that I can't talk to him anymore. Losing him in our senior year of high school made it worse. My mom was just as much as a mess as me. You were the only one I had. Do you remember the night of our graduation?"

"You called me at 10:00 to come and give you a hug," he laughed, tearing up, remember the pain his best friend went through. Losing her father. It was hard on Tom, too. Liliana's father was like another father figure to him.

More silence passed before Tom spoke up. "Be with me."


"It's not too late."

"I can't, you know that."

"You have no reason to marry him! I've been in love with you since I was a teenager, Lils."

"Tom, you have no idea how much I want to. But Lucas-"

"Don't worry about him." Tom says, putting his hand on the side of Liliana's face. "Please."

Liliana successfully tried not to cry as she said, "Take me home."

Tom drops his hand as he looks at his feat. He lost her. He wasn't angry at her, but himself. He had never felt more embarrassed and dumb. "Okay."

The car ride was silent, obviously. Tom occasionally looked at Liliana, but she stared out the window the whole time. Visually playing out her wedding from beginning to end.



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