"Ooo for what?" She asked.

"Not like that weirdo. He just asked me to meet him and I stupidly showed up. He took me to this weird hidden area outside the castle and I was obviously confused but he brought me to play Truth or Dare with Nyma, James and some other kid, Rolo or something I don't know," I said.

"Did you play?"

"Obviously not, I just left. I wasn't about to get dared to kiss Lance or worse by his buffoons."

"Did you just use the word buffoon?"

"Yeah? So?"

"You're too old man," she said, getting up.

"We're the same age and rude," I replied, following her up the steps. She settled into bed, ignoring me. I did sound quite ridiculous.

It was like 3 in the morning and I really let myself meet up with Lance. It's like I'm torturing myself. I don't know why I thought he'd be even the slightest bit serious. This was totally my mistake. I settled into the covers and shut my eyes. Now I was going to be tired. Great.

My sleep was short and I decided that I'd grab breakfast and head to the courtyard to eat. I grabbed a bowl of fruit and a bowl of cereal and milk, carrying it all away from the main hall and to a nice bench bathed in the morning sun. I put my fruit on the small part of the bench to my right, leaving the left side open. I placed the bowl of cereal on my lap and sat back, eating. Birds flew around the empty courtyard, tweeting to each other and I just ate.

"This seat empty?" I glanced up at Keith who was stood in front of the bench. I hadn't seen him since I returned from my injury.

"No, you can sit here," I said. He smiled and sat down.

"What are you doing out here?"


"Why so unsure?"

"I don't know, is this like a complicated question?"

"Well, I was looking for why alone and not in the hall?"

"Too many people," I said, and he nodded, sitting back and pulling off a piece of banana to eat. "I thought you didn't like bananas."

"Changed my mind," he said and I nodded. "Oh, did I show you?" He handed me his banana to hold and he opened one of his belt bags. He pulled out a rock and held it up for me.

"A rock?"

"Yeah! Isn't it nice?"

"You keep rocks in your pocket?" I asked, laughing.

"Yeah, I like collecting rocks is that so wrong?"

"No, it's just, I'm imagining you fall and just frickin rocks spill out of your pocket," I said, giggling uncontrollably.

"Is me carrying rocks in my belt bags really that funny?" I nodded, laughing harder. "It is kind of funny."

"Just casually pulling a rock out of your pocket," I wheezed and he laughed a little too.

"Glad I made you laugh," he said.

"Yeah," I said, still chuckling as I ate a piece of fruit. "I never took you to be that innocent and adorable, I mean you have rocks with you."

"Well, you have hobbies to pass the time in foster homes," he said, putting the rock back in his bag. I knew Keith had been adopted rather late in life by Shiro and his family, but I always felt bad for Keith as he had to be transferred to so many different homes. He never seemed to want to talk about it.

"What else did you do in foster homes?"

"Basically help take care of other kids, it's like having a bunch of siblings, but the older you get, the less attention you get. That's why it's so hard to get adopted you know?" He said and I nodded.

"Well, you have friends now right? And family? Shiro must be a pretty great brother," I said and he nodded. "You haven't shared that before."

"Yeah, it's just...you're kind of like the sister I've never had. You're not going to leave like the foster kids," he said. "Right?"

"Of course not! To be honest, I'm so glad I noticed you our first year. You're a lot of fun, people should really see that," I said.

"Thanks, I'm not just a weirdo who collects rocks, I promise," he said.

"I know, and I never had siblings either, I can be like that sister that kicks people's asses if they mess with you," I said.

"Yeah, thanks, I love you ya know," he said.

"Love you too dingus," I said, taking another bite of my breakfast. It was nice to have Keith trust me and feel like he has a family to lean on. I took another bite of my cereal, feeling much better now that Keith had joined me and shared a bit about his past without much hesitation.

"Not your boyfriend huh?" I glanced over again and Lance climbed over the back of the bench to sit between us. He couldn't just walk around?

"He's not," I said.

"You just said you loved him."

"And I can't platonically love someone?" Keith's face was angry and embarrassed.

"Someone like Keith? No way," he said. "There's a reason he's an orphan." I felt my anger boil over and I threw the remaining cereal in Lance's face, the few people in the courtyard noticing us now.

"You're an asshole, at least Keith had friends who actually like him," I sassed, picking up my fruit and grabbing Keith's arm. Lance seemed shocked and covered, now, in milk.

"So you were serious about the whole ass kicking thing?" Keith asked as I dragged him from the courtyard.

"No one makes fun of you and gets away with it," I said, and he smiled. "Especially not Lance."


"Any time."

Stay awesome!


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