5. Beau

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Ryker and Preston ^

"Hey" I smiled at hearing his voice and looked up from the book I was reading to see Derek standing in front of me and I closed the book to give him my undivided attention

"Hi" I replied and he grinned pulling the chair from across me and sitting down

"Are you free tonight?" He asked making me blink an so swear I felt everyone's eyes on us at his question hit ignored them

"Why?" I asked tilting my head and leaning forward on my sit making him do the same

"Are you or are you not?" He repeated making me huff

"No but I want to know why you asked" I said and he just gave me a cheeky grin before pushing off the chair and standing up making me watch his every move and furrowed my brows when he knelt in front of me and it for people whispering and murmuring about the action.

"Idiots really think I'm asking you to marry me?" He asked with a chuckle shaking his head

"Well it does seem like you are seeing as you're down on one knee" I pointed out

"Trust me if I was proposing it wouldn't be in front of a bunch of nosy assholes" he said making me smile but I still confused as to why he was in this position

"Then why are you kneeling in front of me then?" I asked and he smirked

"Well Beau Storm, would you do me the honors of going on a date with me tonight?" He asked with a smile and I bit the inside of my cheek to keep me from smiling, "I should have asked you yesterday but I totally chickened out so now I'm really hoping that you'd say yes so what do you say?"

"I'd like that" I said and he beamed up at me before getting up and holding his hand out for me to take so he could help me up and I raised a brow make him give me a sideways smile and I felt my heart skip a beat at that small action and took hold of his hand before standing up

"Great now, that's over. Let's get to class before Mr. Sanchez gets his panties in a twist" he said and I laughed shaking my head as we walked out of the library and headed down the hall towards English Lit.

The rest of the day dragged on and it sucked that I only had a three classes with Derek which made classes so boring. Derek was truly a blessing when he moved here from Washington because I never knew how boring Family Studies class was before he came here. Yeah, I could see the other students yawning and some even falling asleep as Miss Green spoke but I never paid it much attention until Derek joined the class and I could honestly see why everyone ignored the poor little old lady. She talked and talked not once stopping to ask questions if we understood what the assignment was or not.

"Pay attention" he murmured when I spaced out and I sighed and tuned back to the teacher who was taking about god knows what

"It's boring" I whined looking over at him and Derek only raised a brow but didn't comment but turned to the teacher. Sighing, I tried my best to pay attention to Miss Green but seeing my classmates all sleeping or talking to each other only made it that much more brow then before.

Suddenly I became restless, Blaze wasn't helping either as he began pacing in my head and growling.

What the hell? I asked him and he just continued to pace in my head and my nerves was starting to sky rocket with every passing second and I knew Derek could sense it as he looked over at me and gave me a questioning look

'You okay?' He mouthed only for a bone chilling scream to echo through the halls and I didn't even have time to answer him as loud growls and howls sounded all over the place and I was out of my chair and as soon as I exited the classroom I was slammed against a wall and looked up to see a kid I've never seen before standing there with his eyes pitch black and snarling.

My mate....the shifter? (boyxboy) (mpreg) completed ✅Where stories live. Discover now