A Visit

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Anyway, rest. You need some." She said. The whole fish skin thing upset you but you agreed with her. You did need some rest. So you did as told and fell asleep.
When you woke up, you saw two kids on the side of the hospital bed. They were Connie and Steven. They were asleep so they must've been here awhile. You looked at the clock which said 12:58. 'Must've been sleep for a while' You thought. You remembered that the doctor had to replace your skin with fish skin.......... You looked down at your arm to see how bad it was. Surprisingly it wasn't bad. Nor did anything hurt. Thinking of which, you couldn't really move any of your limbs. She must've numbed you. Most of you. You saw that Connie was waking up. She opened her eyes and immediately looked at you. "Oh hey you're awake!" She smiled. Steven then woke up looking at you like Connie did. "Oh, hey (N/m). Glad you're awake." He said smiling. You smiled back at them happily. "So how are you feeling?" Connie asked. "Im feeling fine. Thank you." You replied groggily. "Good. Are you hungry? Thirsty?" She asked. "Actually, I am pretty thirsty. Would you mind getting me some water?" You asked. "Sure!" She said. She left and came back rather quickly with a glass of water in her hand. A red and white straw was inside. She came up to you and held the straw up to your mouth. "Since my mom numbed you, we will be helping you for the next three days!" She said as both her and Steven smile. You smile back and take the straw into your mouth. After the glass was empty, Connie put the glass down on the counter. "Thank you." You said feeling better than before. "So? What do you wanna do?" Steven asked. "Ooh let's play ISpy! I love that game!" Connie said. "Ok! I'll go first. I spy with my little eye, something.........."
You three played for at least an hour. Have a lot of fun. That is until.......a nurse called. Connie picked up the phone and answered. "Hello? Yes.......ok, I'll tell her... bye." She hung up the phone. "What was that about?" Steven asked. "It's lunch time." Connie answered. "Here, look." She said, holding up a menu. Now here's the thing, you new you wouldn't find anything that you would eat in the menu. Since you can't drink the humans' blood, you eat raw animals. And of course they wouldn't have that on a menu. Well......At least not this one. You scanned it and saw one thing that caught your eye. Pork chops. It's not raw or bloody but, it's meat. "The pork chops." You said. "Undercooked." You added. "Please." "Ok but, why undercooked?" Steven asked. "Yeah, that's bad for you." Connie said. "Trust me. I'll be ok." You said. "O-Okay." Connie said. She ordered and thankfully, the nurse and chef agreed to make the pork chops undercooked. They brought the food and as the nurse left she mumbled something. Thanks to my strong hearing, I heard her. "Vampire." She mumbled as she walked out the room, closing the door." Your expression turned into a mad one. "(N/m)? Are you ok?" Steven asked. You suddenly regained your conscience and turned toward him. "Yes, I'm fine." You said as Connie started to feed you after she cut up the food.

————3 hours later—————

You, Steven, and Connie were playing cards when you suddenly fell asleep. Connie left the room immediately. Dr.Maheshwaran came in and checked your vitals. You woke up for a second and you hear Dr.Maheswaran. "She's fine. She's probably just tired. If not then her blood sugar is low." She said putting her hand in my forehead. "You two go home. By the time she wakes up visiting hours will be over." She said. You fell back asleep as Steven and Connie sadly walked out the room.

No Blood (Vampire!Gem! Reader Insert) [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now