Part Two

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3rd POV
It had been three months since the attack on Earth. Many on Earth believed it was a one time thing. But there were some, like the government of Earth, that thought The Oryx would come back in force. So with an overwhelming vote, they had pushed AI research along with ship production as main priorities for Humanity. At the Solar Academy, the education for the recruits was forced onto them. But there were little dropouts due to the need of avenging humanity. And with the first batch of ships getting ready to leave port, a certain ship was nearing completion.

Your POV

I looked out from the new room I was given. It had a view into the void of space and onto Earth as well. Nothing back home co-. I sigh and clench my fists at I thought of home. Those bastards took them away from me. Along with many, many families in their bombardment. I still couldn't believe I have the one that orchestrated that attack in my head.
Dreamer: "Insult my all you want. It won't change the fact that we are bound together."
Me: "Doesn't mean I have to enjoy it."
Dreamer: "It's been almost three months in your calendar. You haven't protested as much until today? Why is that?"
Me: "Perhaps it's the three month anniversary since your kind attacked my home!" I punched my desk, shaking the components on it. With a growl I start to put on my uniform.
Dreamer: "Perhaps it's best if you move on. Revenge is a good motivator but it'll only get you so far Lieutenant." I sigh in annoyance as I adjust my uniform and wipe off any dust.
Me: "Whatever. Is there still classes today?"
Dreamer: "Yes. But for you, you'll be meeting Admiral Williams in his office for a important discussion. After Admiral Tanner's class of course." When Admiral Williams said that he was packing our education into one year, he wasn't kidding. And it was part of a brutal training regime as well. Admiral Tanner was in charge of that part. Admiral Ryans was in charge of teaching us tactics, which was mind numbingly frustrating. Don't know why three Admirals were spending their own time to train us. But it makes sense since we are destined to be the commanding officers of Earth's first space fleet. I looked myself over in the mirror once more before exiting my dorm. Outside I was met with the others exiting their dorms as well.
Me: "Good morning sergeants."
Melina: "Morning sir."
Elizabeth: "Good morning Lieutenant."
Anna: "Good morning sir."
Skylar: "Morning Lieutenant."
Me: "Right, onto our class." I walked down the hall, each of them behind me. And each were having their own conversation. Mostly about topics I don't care about, such as love interests. But I wasn't surprised to hear that Elizabeth still held a place for me in her heart. Anyway, we arrived in time for Admiral Tanner's class. It was the only time we got to spend with the other recruits fully. And not in a classroom setting.
Admiral Tanner: "Alright. Lieutenant, you'll be fighting Private Lopez." I change into my training outfit. It consisted of a loose fitting shirt and a pair of shorts. When I walked out, I wasn't surprised that many eyes were on my fairly built arms. Almost all of them were of the opposite gender. Apparently to them, I was the fittest guy in the academy. I wouldn't hold them to it since there were some male recruits placed into spec ops training, and it showed. They were very fit. And I was sparring against one right now. Private Lopez stood to about my height, perhaps an inch or two shorter.
Private Lopez: "Ready to lose sir?"
Me: "In your wildest dreams private." I held my fist out to him and he fist bumped it. When Admiral Tanner began the match, I raised my fists close to my body for better defense. Lopez threw a right hook and quickly followed up with a left uppercut. While the right hook was easy to block, the uppercut connected with my chin. I stumbled back, shaking my head and leaping forward, throwing a right hook. Of course Lopez blocked but my momentum makes him slide across the mat. Using my right leg, I trip him up, sending him to the ground. I get on top of him and throw punches to his face, most of which were blocked by his hands. He pushed me off, sending me onto my back. Not wanting to leave myself in a vulnerable position, I roll away and get to my feet quickly. He stood as well, raising his fists. I do as well before both of us lunged at each other. But unfortunately for him, the bigger you are in muscle, the slower you get. I managed to turn my head away from his punch as mine connected with his chin. He slams onto his back, disoriented. I wait for a moment, causing a whistle to ring out.
Admiral Tanner: "Match goes to the Lieutenant." I hold my hand out to Lopez, which he takes and I pull him up.
Me: "Maybe next time Lopez." He chuckled, patting my shoulder.
Private Lopez: "Maybe sir." Things like this always bring a smile to my face as it showed that my peers trusted me enough to call me sir. I step back as I watch others spar. Many were complete KOs while some were evenly matched until draw. Of course my sergeants participated and they wiped the floor with everyone they sparred against. But they weren't free from injury either. Melina ended up with a bloodied lip, Skylar with a bruised cheek, Anna with a busted lip, and Elizabeth with a dislocated, then relocated, arm. This continued on for an hour until the class ended.
Admiral Tanner: "Alright recruits, change back into your uniforms then head to your next class." I was already dressed in mine since Admiral Tanner knew I had to visit Admiral Williams after his class.
Me: "Alright sergeants. Head to your next class. I'll see you after." I exit the training room and make my way to Admiral Williams' office. But I stop and look behind me to see Elizabeth.
Me: "Yes sergeant Stevens?"
Elizabeth: "I wanted to ask if you would like to visit my dorm after lessons to review the schematics of the fleet?" I think this over since it was a responsibility as the future Admiral to do. And she is the one that is more or less responsible everything is up to standards and everyone is filled in evenly within this fleet.
Me: "Alright. I'll be over after my final lesson." She smiled and saluted me. I saluted back before turning and continuing towards Admiral Williams' office. After about a twenty second walk I reach it. The guards let me in and I approached his desk.
Me: "Admiral?" He turned in his chair, reading over a tablet.
Admiral Williams: "Take a seat Lieutenant." I do so, sitting up straight.
Admiral Williams: "Do you know the Black Lightning Project?"
Me: "No sir I don't."
Admiral Williams: "Take a look for yourself." He slides the tablet over. I grab it and briefly look it over. This Black Lightning Project was experimenting the Artificial Intelligence field. Meaning this could either be useful or harmful. I look back up at him.
Me: "Did you allow this?"
Admiral Williams: "No. The council decided that this research could eventually lead to us being able to thwart this Oryx threat. I believe that it might work. But there's a possibility it will backfire on us."
Me: "And why have you showed me this sir?" He reached into a small, open, briefcase and pulled out a chip.
Admiral Williams: "This is the first successful AI codenamed Realist." He gestured for me to take it, which I did. It was a simple computer chip, but it held something probably more expensive than a Osprey Frigate. I held it back out only for Admiral Williams to hold his hand up.
Admiral Williams: "It's yours Lieutenant. The council wanted someone they can trust to have it. So they decided for someone who was being trained by three admirals personally." I looked at the chip once more. Once again, nothing made it seem like it held an AI. But that was probably the point. I clenched it and held it to the back of my head.
Me: "Is it going to be painless?"
Admiral Williams: "Don't know Lieutenant. But I place the upmost amount of luck into you." I inhale and slide the chip into the port I had on the back of my neck. Immediately my vision shifts to black as a white orb appears in front of me. A female voice spoke up.
Realist: "What is your name?"
Me: "Lieutenant (Y/N) (L/N)."
Realist: "Grandson of the deceased savior of Humanity, Alexander Hunt (L/N)." It shifted into a person.

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