He's sweet around you but a dick around his friends (part two)

Start from the beginning


You sprinted as fast as you could, you needed to run as far away as you can from Calum. You couldn’t show him just how weak you were, because as soon as you ran away from the group, tears started to stream down your face like an endless waterfall of hurt. What he said was actually pretty painful, considering that he told his friends that he was just going to fuck you and leave you. You didn’t know if he was lying or not, but either way, saying something like that would hurt, especially if you have developed feelings for the person who said that. You realized that you liked Calum a whole lot more than you thought, because you were easily hurt by what he just told his friends. It shouldn’t hurt that much if it was only a crush, but it hurt a whole lot more than you expected, leading you to the realization that Calum meant so much more to you. You were hoping that he wasn’t going to chase after you, you were half-expecting that honestly because he didn’t seem to care about you. You were proven wrong though, when you heard Calum’s voice calling your name behind you. You started to increase your speed, but your efforts were fruitless when you felt Calum’s rather muscular arms wrap around you, taking you down onto the ground. You yelped when your back hit his chest, and you tried to thrash around so that he would let you go. “Let me go right now!” You yelled as you continued to thrashed around, but Calum just hugged you tighter. “I will never let you go, no matter how much you tell me to let go, I would never ever let you go. The more you resist me, the more I will keep you close so don’t even bother resisting,” Calum’s hot breath tickled your ear, sending a shiver up your spine. You figured that you should just give up on trying to escape because you were just wasting your energy. It was clear that you weren’t gonna escape Calum’s hold anytime soon, so you just stopped moving and frowned. “That’s better, I just wanted to explain something and I’ll be out of your hair afterwards, so don’t worry.” Calum withdrew his arms from around your waist, but held onto your hand when he let you go. You shot him a look and he gave you a sheepish smile, “Just to make sure you wouldn’t run away again.” You sat yourself up and Calum did the same as well, his light brown eyes boring into you, taking in every single detail on your face. You felt slightly conscious of yourself and tucked a few strands of your hair behind your ear shyly, “What is it you wanted to explain to me?” You cleared your throat to snap Calum out of his daze and he looked up, giving you another one of those close-mouthed smiles of his. “I didn’t mean any of those stuff I said to the boys,” he started. “My team mates are huge assholes who just think that girls are playthings to fuck around with whenever they liked, and they usually make fun of me whenever I mention a girl because I don’t share the same idea about girls as they did. Girls are also people who have feelings and they deserve all the love and respect because they are beautiful people who make the world go round,” He smirked, reaching out to run his fingers down your jaw. “And I think of you as a girl, of course. Someone who has feelings and who deserves all the love and respect because you are a beautiful person both inside and out,” He leans in closer and rests his forehead against yours. You could feel his breath fanning on your face, and your eyes fixed themselves onto his plump lips. “And I may have a tiny crush on you since the first day of school,” He giggled, making you giggle as well. “So I would never ever do that to you, I prefer to actually have dinner with you first before fucking you senseless in your bedroom afterwards,” He sent you a wink, and you slapped his arm playfully as a blush crept it’s way onto your cheeks. “Then I guess you should go buy me dinner before you fuck me senseless then.” You leaned in and whispered in his ear, “I like to get kinky sometimes.” You pulled away and you were met with a blushing Calum who had his eyes set on your intertwined fingers, making you laugh. “So, dinner tonight then?” You gave him a firm nod, smirking at the thought of having Calum naked in your bed soon after your dinner. You were gonna have a great night, you could just feel it in your gut,


"I don’t wanna hear any excuses!" You screamed out, covering your ears with your fingers to try to block out his empty words. Three days have passed since Ashton and Michael came over to your house to play some FIFA with your older brother, along with Luke, who arrived so much earlier than they did. Luke always did that, he would come a few hours earlier than the agreed time and he would use this time to mess around with you or talk about absolutely anything with you. You loved how he was willing to spend time with you before spending time with his best friend, and it made you feel special somehow as he would also prioritize you before your own brother, which was kind of odd. The more you spent time with him, the more you would fall in love with him. Deeper and deeper you fell, trying to find a way to get out but you knew that you were already in too deep to get out anymore. You accepted the fact that you can’t get out before, but now that you’re just desperate to get out of this hole you let yourself fall into, you would do absolutely anything to get out. And three days after that little dick move he pulled about telling his best friends that he didn’t even like you, he was already trying to apologize and explain himself, but you were having none of that. What he did hurt you immensely and you didn’t need his apology, what he just said the other day proved that he wasn’t that different from all the other dicks out there. You honestly thought he was different, that he was this shy kid who’s awkward for the first few weeks but breaks out of his shell when he gets comfortable around you. You thought that he was the type of guy to buy you flowers and apologize if he didn’t get your favorite ones and he would buy another bouquet of your favorite flowers. You thought that he was genuinely sweet and would honestly mean each and every one of his compliments. You thought that he was the type to get a girl falling hard for him but was there to catch her when she fell, but you were wrong, as usual. "Please just listen to me," Luke’s deep voice pleaded. You shook your head, not wanting anything to do with him anymore. You just wanted to forget him and all the memories you shared with him. "I just wanted to talk." He grabbed your wrist and slowly turned you around, making you scowl. Your eyes were met with those familiar blue eyes that always seemed to mesmerize you, and you found yourself being pulled in with those eyes once more. "There’s nothing to talk about," You looked away from him so that you wouldn’t have to look into his eyes anymore, you didn’t like looking straight into those gorgeous eyes because you were afraid that you would fall for him all over again if you did. "No words could ever make me forgive you." You pulled away from him, biting down on your bottom lip as you continued to walk away from Luke. You instructed yourself not to care about Luke, but it was hard not to care for someone you used to have feelings for. "Then maybe I don’t need words," You heard him say, before you felt his huge hand pull you back towards him. Your eyes widened when you felt warmth on your lips, and you were shocked to see that Luke was kissing you. You didn’t want to kiss back but the way his lips moved against yours made you melt, and you gave in. Your hands found the back of his neck and you closed your eyes, kissing him back. You felt him smirk against your lips, his hands making their way to your sides, rubbing them up and down as you pushed down on his neck to deepen the kiss. His kiss left you breathless, with your heart pounding harshly against your chest. You pulled away slowly, your eyes fluttering open as they met with the familiar cerulean ones you’ve gone used to. "I’m sorry, can you ever forgive me?" You gave his lips a quick peck with a giggle and sighed, "Does that answer your question?"

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