Chapter 2

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After Sora had left, he went straight to the bathroom. He closed the door behind him quietly, and walked towards the sinks. (H:Keep in mind that the description of this might be horrible since I'm a girl and I've never been inside the boy's room.)

He looked up to the mirror above it, and glared at his reflection. The tears continued to fall silently, and he clenched his fists on the sink. His eyes were already red, but the tears didn't really reflect what he really felt inside.

Yes, he was hurt. A lot, but the anger bubbling inside his chest overpowered it. Sora let out a small whine, and turned back. He moved away from the mirrors, and leaned against the wall. He let himself slide down to the floor, and looked at the ceiling.

Someone came inside, and saw Sora on the floor. He frowned, and crouched down near him, asking if he was okay.

"I'm fine," Sora managed to say without giving away that he wasn't. "I just cried about nothing important."

With that said, Sora stood up. He gave the boy a smile, and walked out. The other teen watched him go, a bit worried. Sora closed the door behind him, and started walking to class. He and Riku left their stuff in their classes, which was always a good thing for him since he mostly got there right before the warning bell rung.

While he was walking, he heard the bell. Students were already walking to their class, but Sora didn't pay any attention to them. He cleaned his face free of tears with the back of his hand. Sora sighed as he fixed his uniform tie, but didn't really care if it wasn't neat.

He walked into his class, and didn't even look towards his friends. Class started soon, and Sora tried paying attention but started to form a plan of revenge. He hated that, but he thought he would feel better. Sora knew that wasn't always true.

It was never true.

But he wasn't thinking clearly. He just wanted to get even. Sora was going to find out more about that guy, and why the reason why Kairi left him. He could deal with a break up, but cheating wasn't acceptable.

The class went by fast, with Sora only getting a few points from the lesson. When class was dismissed, he got his stuff and left the classroom. He waited outside of it for his brother, who probably already knew what happened from Riku.


Sora appreciated having Riku close, but having him close also affected his relationship. He didn't know what he felt for the older boy, but it was something stronger than what he felt for Kairi. Riku had warned him about Kairi. He had told him to think things through before going out with her.

Sora hadn't thought about his feelings. All he was thinking about was that everyone else already had a girlfriend. He didn't want to feel left out, even if Riku told him he didn't need to have one.

"I should've listened to him," Sora mumbled.

Sora looked up and saw his brother. Next to him was Riku. They were talking in low voices, and Sora had an idea of what it was. They got closer, and they stopped talking.

"Sora, please listen. You can't-"

"I'm not going to listen to you," Sora cut him off. "Stay out of it. You've never been cheated on. You don't know anything."

"But I-"

"Stay. Out. Of. It." Sora growled. "This is not your business."

"If you would just listen, you would understand that you should just forget them," Roxas told him. "Revenge will bring nothing."

"I don't care."

Sora started walking away, and Roxas looked towards Riku. They nodded, and ran after Sora. Kairi peeked out from around a corner, and frowned. She felt bad, yeah, but she was after something she had always wanted. With Sora, there was no way to attain it.

However, with the blond and green eyed teen from before, she could have it all. She sighed, and walked to the door. Kairi wasn't a bad person per say, but her ways of doing things were.

Sora glanced around when he was outside. He saw Tidus, and went to talk to him. Roxas and Riku stayed behind, wondering what Sora was going to talk to him about. Tidus and Sora were best friends before middle school, but they slowly stopped talking.

After a few minutes, Sora came back with a satisfied smirk. Roxas shivered slightly knowing that Sora probably asked about the guy he saw Kairi with. They started waking again in silence, until Roxas broke it.


"I'm sorry, Roxas."

The smirk on Sora's face disappeared. Riku shifted his bag on his shoulders as he watched the twins talk.

"What for?"

"For snapping at you! What else?" Sora pouted, and crossed his arms. "I shouldn't have done that. You're just trying to help, but understand that I can't just ignore it and forget."

"But why?"

"You know Sora, getting revenge won't make you feel better," Riku interjected. "In fact, it'll only being the opposite effect."

Sora stayed quiet, but didn't plan on giving up.

"Well, if I can't get revenge, then I'll just make their lives at school impossible." Sora frowned. "I'll ruin their relationship. I honestly don't care what Kairi's after, but I want her to feel the same pain I did."

"Not that I'm encouraging you to do anything but," Roxas spoke up, "what do you plan on doing?"

"That, I haven't thought of yet," Sora replied. "I just know I want them to break up."

"This is a whole other side of Sora I've never seen," Roxas commented. "And I've been with him since I was born."

"Right. But this hasn't happen before." Sora rolled his eyes.

Sora undid his tie and left it around his neck loosely. Riku looked away, and muttered something under his breath.

"If it were me, I would have never cheated."

Sora turned to him, tilting his head to the side. Riku looked at him, and blushed. He hoped he hadn't heard him at all.

"Did you say something?"

Riku let out a sigh of relief and shook his head.

"No. Nothing at all."

Sora nodded, but knew Riku had said something. He wouldn't pressure him though, not now at least. He wanted to think of something that could work. He didn't want anything to backfire.

Sora wasn't feeling too good about this, but the anger was pushing that away, making him think about nothing but what revenge he could get on Kairi and her new boyfriend.

A/N: This may be bad because I've never been cheated on. Heck, I have never even had a boyfriend. I'm sorry if I'm not writing this good enough or if I write Sora's feelings wrong.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2019 ⏰

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