Lifeguard of demise

Start from the beginning

They walked me out to the parking lot, and I saw a sleek black limo park on the curb with the engine running. "Oh crap" I thought this is definitely a kidnapping.

They put my hands behind my back and handcuffed me. " i get to ride In this thing?" I said trying to keep my cool. "Not the worst kidnapping ride, but not exactly low profile." I laughed a little. Unfortunately they decided to throw me in the trunk. However just before I was tossed inside someone shouted "WAIT!"
Everyone turned around to stare at the most beautiful girl I had ever seen.

I was instantly in love. "Let him go." She said in a tone of dead seriousness. She had long black curly hair and light brown skin. Her ancestry seemed to be mostly Indian, but with just a hint of Egyptian, and she had a little beauty mark just under her right eye. Shes the one for me" I thought dazedly as I momentarily forgot I was about to be kidnaped.

"Let him go" she said again and this time I realized she had a strong tropical accent of some kind. "Oh god I have to marry this woman" I thought.

The men fanned out behind the guy who was until a moment before, forcing me into the trunk of a expensive luxury vehicle.
A small part of sanity came back to me, or perhaps a stroke of madness, because however my intention was rational my phrasing was downright embarrassing. "H-hey! Look out!" I yelled at the girl. "They have concealed weapons in their trousers!" 

For a second everyone just stared at me. Then the girl burst into a laughing fit. This once so serious girl was laughing because I was stupid enough to say something like that in front of her. The girl I wanted to marry! "I-I didn't mean it like that!!" I said blushing furiously. The girl kept laughing "oh? S-sure you didn't!" She managed to say in between giggles.

I tried to protest again but the guys with shades had apparently not found the joke amusing and I was punched in the face. My nose broke instantly, that I could feel all too well, but oddly enough I didn't scream or yell, I was too embarrassed. My vision became blurry so I couldn't tell what was going on too well, but I think the guys pulled out their various weapon and started to shoot. The distant watery sounding gunshots faded as I lost consciousness. "So weak.. you can't even help the girl you love...." I muttered and I felt my head hit the ground.

When I awoke I was sitting on a park bench in a park that I was not familiar with. My memories of the events were fuzzy at best. I was going to be kidnapped? Then who showed up? Oh! I remembered the mysterious girl with the black curly hair. Oh yeah! I remember! My face felt hot all of a sudden. "I wish I could see her again.."my voice trailed off. Then I checked my pockets, it seemed I didn't have my phone or wallet or anything! I had been robbed. I felt a tinge of annoyance, those damn thieves. How dare they try to kidnap me and break my nose. Then horror shot into my head as I imagined what those guys could have don't to me when I was passed out.

The walk home wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. I walked around asking for directions until I found out where I needed to go. I was apparently at a park a few miles east of my house, but I was still oblivious on how I had gotten there.

From then on my life proceeded as normal, aside from replacing my wallet. My parents however refused to buy me another one. Bummer right? They probably would have had I told them I lost them to some thieves. But I didn't want things to get too dramatic so I told them I went on a the Uno Dollar Solar Rollar coaster with some friends and by the time I realized my wallet had slipped from my pocket it was already sailing down to the ground.

About a week after the kidnapping incident I was walking to my first day working since the fiasco. When I heard quick footsteps behind me, I turned around to see a girl with family dark skin and hair. "Oh hey! You're the curly haired girl!" I said aloud the girl slowed and knelt down panting, trying to catch her breath. She looked up at me and pouted "it's not curly it's wavy!" She said indignantly "sure" I said smiling "And the sky isn't blue"
She scowled. "Don't disagree with the person who saved you life," crossing her arms she grinned "That was some mess the other day" "I'll say." I replied, I almost got kidnapped and who knows what else. Thanks for that" "Also your accent is cute.." I muttered
The girl pretended not to hear
"I came to warn you." She said, "Oh? About what?" I started walking to the pool at a casual pace. "NO!" She yelled and grabbed my arm "Don't go back, they're waiting for you" I looked mildly startled by her outburst. "Who's waiting for me?" The girl let go of my arm. "The guys who tried to kidnap you yesterday idiot. But if you really want to go I won't stop you." She crossed her arms. "Hm.. well.." I thought, what if she was lying? I'd lose my job for not showing, then I'd have to explain to my parents that on top of everything I had lost my job too. But what if she's right? A part of my mind said, do you really want to disregard the girl of your dreams and walk into a trap?  And with that I made a professional, calculated decision. "Okay, I'll skip work today.. on one condition." I said smiling a bit.
"Oh?" The girl said in that gorgeous accent of hers, "And what might that be?" "Go on a date with me."
The silence was much too long for my nerves, but just when I wanted to dive into a hole and die she looked me in the eye and said "No"

That afternoon the girl and I were eating lunch at the local mall, sure it was no date but she agreed to accompany me for lunch on the condition that I pay. Which, I mentioned, technically made it a date but she didn't want to hear it.
I called my boss saying I was sick and he let me have the day off, "I'll send another guy to cover your shift, just take it easy." So at least he was nice, but I pitied the poor sucker he sent.
So the girl and I walked in relative silence all the way to the mall. We (she) looked around and decided that subway sounded best, and so now we sit.
The girl munched on her sandwich, her long dark hair pulled back into a high pony tail. She looked up. "Sheesh boy, drool for the food." She smirked and took another bite. "So um.." I said in a attempt for conversation. "I never caught your name"
"Course not, I never gave it to you." She kept eating. "Sooo, can I have it?"
There was a long silence, one in which I took a bite of my sandwich.

As I munched on a Turkey sandwich, wishing I wasn't so uncool as to not be able to charm the girl of my dreams, I heard a quiet mutter. "
Remora.." i looked up at the girl and she kept chewing her sandwich. "Hm?" I asked "you say something?"
"Naah" She replied through a mouthful of food.
We went back to silently eating. Wow this has got to be the worst date ever. Of course I was loving it, being in her company but still, I wished I could make her happy. "My name is Remora.." she muttered again. I looked up and smiled at her warmly "that's a lovely name" she blushed a little and said in a demanding tone "Oh yeah? Well what's yours?" "My friends call me Jason"  she nodded and went back to eating her sandwich in embarrassed silence.
When she finished eating and I had paid for our meal we stood outside the restaurant and looked out among the bustling crowds. "So.." i said "What do you want to do now? Feel like explaining what's going on yet?"   Remora nodded "Let's go to the park i left you at, I think it's still secure." I blushed a little "that sounds nice."
She tugged on my sleeve and I looked down at her " let's go Jason.." she blushed. She was so cute when she blushed!! Unfortunately she saw me looking at her and I got punched in the face. Heh it was worth seeing her adorable face embarrassed.

Okay guys thanks for the read, if you liked it, please look forward to part two! Thanks for the support!

Sincerely, TheLastKnightwalker

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