Party 42 - Hotel Bed

Start from the beginning

"I still remember every time you cheered me up on every games, no matter i won or not i remember you were always there and I'm very happy to know that I'm going to see you cheering me up everyday in my life"

This is sweet.

The next picture is the picture of us taking a cute selfie in my room back in our teenagers years, I didn't know that he still had the pictures of us.

"I remember in this picture we were supposed to study but ended up with us being silly and taking a lot of random pictures, and I'm hoping that we're going to take lot more in our future life"

And the next picture is a photo booth picture of us, i had a really long brown hair and i looked so young in the picture. There were three rows of pictures and the first one was when he leaned his head on my shoulder while closing his eyes like he pretended that he was sleeping while i had a really big cheeky smile on my face. The second row was when i kissed him on the cheek then the last one was when we made a mustache with my long brown hair.

"This was the moment when nobody really know about us, even I still remember when you didn't really know what are we, but in a few hours i will call you my wife"

This is so cheesy but also sweet.

The next picture was a picture from our vacation to Hawaii, it was a picture of us when we were on the boat and i still remembered every inch of it.

"Do you remember when you kissed me in front of everyone which made me blush? Screw you.

And remember when everyone thought that you need a pregnancy test? Haha now we definitely need a bunch of them."

The next picture was the picture when we were on our last high school prom, i still remembered when Ezra and Diana won as prom king and queen.

"This is actually one of the pictures that sarah and Floyd found out on my working desk, this is one of my favorite. Still remember the night you have a sleep over in my house then we were so surprised by my parents appearance in the morning, but now we don't really have to worry about it."

The next picture was a picture of me when i was walking down the paris street, our very last vacation and i looked happy while holding on his hand.

"This is the most important thing that I've ever have in my life"

And the last picture in a picture of us from our very last vacation to Paris.

"This is the very last picture that i took with you, and i cannot wait to take a lot of memories with you.

We've been through a lot, we had been separated for the past 7 years and now we are on our wedding day.

I believe we are meant to be together.

I love you, i love you

I love you Avalana

*oh and look at your shoes i wrote something"

I put all of the pictures back into the box then pick up the heels,

These things is going to bring you into the end of the aisle.

I'll meet you there, love.

My lips curled into a smile before putting back the shoes back to its box, i got up from the sofa then went into the bathroom to take a shower.

This is going to be the best day ever.


I walked into the third floor for breakfast where i met so many cousins and family who stayed there at the same hotel as mine, there were also Sarah, Diana, Nathan and Alicia who stayed in this hotel while the others were staying with Apollo's.

Everyone looked so happy as they enjoyed their breakfast, my mom greeted me with a warm hug. She looked so happy and everyone looked excited, i saw Gabriel was helping Jacob with his food while Laura was taking care of Elle who was sitting on the baby chair.

"Morning darling" my mom said.

"Morning" i said as i sat on the chair right next to my mom.

"Oh darling you should go get your food" she said with a smile on her face.

"Okay" i said.

I got up from the chair before turning my heels around to walk into the food counter, until two of my best friends came to greet me.

"Hey beautiful bride!" Diana said.

"Hey girls" i said.

"So how's your feeling?" Sarah asked while trying to read my face.

"What?" I laugh then started to grab a plate in front of me.

I walked into the food counter before taking a slice of bacon until Diana stopped me,

"Whoops wait, i think you should eat something sweet like maybe dragon fruit or pineapples" she said which made me feel curious while sarah only standing there with a smile on your voice.

"Why?" I asked her.

"Tonight is going to be your special night right? Don't you know what to do before doing those things?" She whispered and it made sarah stepped forward then whispered,

"She's a virgin" Sarah whispered while laughing.

"What?!" Diana said with a pretty loud voice.

"Shhhh!" Both of sarah and i said.

"Are you kidding me?" Diana asked.

"What's the problem, that's not a big deal" i said and trying to be cool with it even though i felt a little bit ashamed.

"She's scared of penis" sarah began to whispered which made me calmly walking away even though i could feel my cheek was burning.

"Oh my lord!" Diana said while laughing.

"Shh shut up i just want to eat" i said as I grabbed my bacon then ready to grab another glass of guava juice while two of my best friends were keep following me.

"Yeah we just have to shut up cause trust me she isn't a virgin in a few hours more" Diana said which made me turned around with a plate on my right hand a glass of guava juice on my left hand while my mind was everywhere.

"Shhh that's none of your business babes" i said while walking passing them.

"You know we love you so much Lana" Diana said.

"Yeah you are the most precious thing in the world" sarah said which made me smile.

"And seeing that you're getting married like this makes me feel so happy and realized how time flied so fast" she said.

"Ugh guys I haven't even put my dress on!" I said while standing in front of the two of them.

"Okay okay! We'll say our words later but we just want you to know that we are so happy for you" Diana said which made me smile.


"I love you guys" i said.

"We love you too" sarah said.

"See you in your room in a few hours darling we have to go! Byee" Diana said before they were walking away from mer.

I got back to the table with my families then continued to finish my breakfast. Mom was always talking to her sister she was so excited when she saw her cousins and family came from anywhere across the country.

I mean yeah, everyone was literally there. Even Alec and Ariana's complete family were here just for my wedding. I felt  so honored to know that they came here to LA just for my big day, I couldn't feel more thankful.

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