Chapter 132

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Tim laid on his side facing the wall of his bunk. Memories of his past bombarding his mind. 'Why, why again' he thought as Austin called from outside the curtain.

"Austin, please not now" he barely spoke.

Austin moved the curtain aside, " to me...we all rely on each other..we're family, we'll get through this together."

Tim rolled over to his back, draping his arm over his face "don't rely on me for anything, you'll end up..." his words trailing off.

"Ya know, he didn't ask you to make decisions for him if he didn't think you could handle it. How many times did he tell us his Dad told him to Man Up? He pushed through more pain than the rest of us combined. We owe it to him to do what's best, to Man Up" Austin told him.

Tim looked at him "Man Up? I think I've more than manned up, Austin" he said starting to roll over.

"Tim, that's not what I meant. Hell, I don't know what I'm saying. I'm scared, just like you, we all are" he said brushing his hand through his hair. "I don't know how to let go" Austin whispered.

Tim rolled back towards him, finding such saddness in his eyes. He leaned up and hugged Austin while he cried. "We're not letting go, not yet" Tim assured him.

Rob and Adam were each on their phones bringing their wives up to date on Chance. Jenika sat nearby, wringing her hands in her lap. She was at a loss herself. She and Chance had been best friends since college, she couldn't imagine a time in her life without him. She confided in him, trusted him more than anyone she ever knew. She wasn't ready to let go either. 'There has to be something we can do, there just has to be' she thought to herself.

Maggie and Marcus had gone back to their hotel room. Marcus was concerned for Maggie's health, she wasn't sleeping or eating much, consumed by worry and fear for Chance. He finally convinced her to take a light sedative to get some sleep. There wasn't much they could do at this point but wait. As she slept he went through Chance's medical records he had brought with him, determined to find something, anything that would give them answers.

Heather sat by her brother's bedside, lightly caressing his arm while she reminded him of all the adventures they had while growing up. Life on the farm, running along the gulf shores, despite their Dad being overbearing at times, life had been good. 

Tears rolled down her face, "I'm sorry I didn't keep my promise to fix you. I can't lose you Chance. I need you, Momma needs you. Tim needs you" she cried laying her head on his arm.

Mina watched from the window, wiping a stray tear from her cheek. "I'm sorry too" she whispered.

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