Pancake War and Changed People

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AN: ITS BACK AND I GOT GOOD NEWS AND BAD NEWS! I will be wrapping this story up in a chapter or two stuff is still going on with family but that's ok. I'm still going through school and slowly losing sanity by every passing day but iTs oKaY. I haven't forgotten about you guys so I plan on giving you a good ending. Sound good?


I am not sure about how I feel about this.

Blake was sitting next to me being nice

It felt wrong and I didnt like it at all.

"Katie here are some chocolate chip pancakes with syrup."Travis said sitting in between me and Blake I wasn't complaining. I was actually silently thanking him.

It was quiet as the two glared at one another.

I sighed and jumped up," Okay guys are we gonna prank the others. I'm bored out of my mind and need to do something. I've been out for too long."

Travis smiles with pride as he picked me up and spun me," YOU REALLY ARE THE ONE FOR ME!"

Blake just watched us quietly," You guys have fun I'll just be in my room."

Something was off with him. He seemed on edge. He keep looking at his phone and keep messing with his fingers. It was a nervous habit he had.

Travis just smirked at Blake's retreating figure.

"What did you do?"

He smiled innocently up at me," Why do you assume every time I smile or smirk I've done something wrong?"

I sighed shaking my head," Because I know you Travis."

"All I did was get him in touch with his soulmate." He grinned. Oh no.

"Who exactly?"

"Why my second cousin all human crazy girl, Wendy, of course."

I had only heard runners from Conner about the great Wendy. She was like a gorilla on steroids in a little girl's body. His words not mine.

"What did she say?" I asked worried for the poor guy.

"Ah nothing bad. He's just gonna be sleeping with one eye open for a while. He is a manipulative guy you know. A snake through and through. I think he has been trying to get some brownie points from you."

"What proof do you have of that Travis." I said pinching his cheeks and I went to the kitchen to grab some whip cream.

"I talked with Luo Ellen and she figured that's what his goal was and Sammy being the amazing guy he is. Convinced her to do a spell of some sorts to see his true motives. Reading his mind if you will."

I laughed," Travis Stoll you can be one scary guy."

He smiled and wrapped his arms around my waste from behind and whispered in my ear," New topic. What prank are we doing and who's our victim?"

I blushed lightly. He was so clingy(not that she's complaining," I uh get to pick?"

He just nodded calmly without a care in the world.

"F-Fine how about we just change Sammy's hair dye to bright pink. He showers every morning."

He took the whip cream out of my hand and shot some into his mouth," your getting there."

We hurried and bought the hair die and started putting the dye in Sammy's shampoo.

The rest of the morning was chaotic and crazy. To say us demigods weren't going all out in a total brawl would be a lie. Luo Ellen was teamed up with flamingo pink haired Sammy as they cast spells and through the victims they caught into fits of laughter and Connor and Miranda were grabbing anything big and messy to hit everyone with, flour, water, soap, you name it.

It was all going great and soon we started school. It was alright and hard at times but we got through it. Travis was a natural and every class and sports of course and he was our tutor.

It felt like the year flew by. Blake has to move due to a big fight at the beginning of the school year and he is currently living with their grandparents. Wendy, Travis's cousin still text him to this day tormenting him. Travis thinks it's funny. I don't even what to read he messages.

Luo Ellen and Sammy still aren't daring but they have really kept up that fake relationship if there's for a long time we are really doubting it's fake by this point. Connor and Miranda broke things off not really feeling it anymore but are still like partners in crime. They aren't afraid to get messy all for a good prank.

As for me and Travis we are to this day going strong. We went through that school yeah with no mean girl no drama. Just us and our friends being happy. It was relaxing. Don't get me wrong we had a few monstrous teachers and classmates along the way but that's normal for us.

Everything was fine and all too soon we were on our way back to camp singing way better songs than last time eating snickers (did that on purpose) and all doodling on those who decided to doze iff first.

We were teenage demigods so this was basically the prime of our lives. We weren't letting a second go to waste.

The end. I know it's quick but you deserve a ending at least and I guess it's not the greatest but I did and still do feel bad about not giving it to you but right now this is all I got and it's a bit all over the place I might comeback and redo it another time but something is better than nothing right. Thanks for the supporting comments and kind words you guys have sent me. It means a lot and all have been heard. Thank you for reading my story and dealing with my LONG 'breaks'.

PS you guys know me and spelling isn't my strong point so have mercy.

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