I fill our glasses with the clear golden liquid and I walk to my friend's door. I knock gently and wait for an answer. I can't help but to listen.

"Call me tomorrow. Don't party too hard. Caleb is too friendly with drugs. I don't want the whole Metallica incident to happen again. I love you. I miss you too. Now go have fun." I hear her say, but I don't hear any of the response Lucas gives her. It makes me frown with curiosity to know what happened at the 'Metallica incident'.

I knock again on the door, but now that I know she has hung up, I get in. Her room is white and of an average size. Her bed stands in the middle, being the first thing we see when we get in. Two steps in, I see a bookshelf and picture frames of her and the boys. I smile instantly. Two steps further, I notice a dusty guitar and her silhouette rolled up on her side.

"Hey there lovely lady. I brought you a glass of wine. I thought you would need it." I coo her gently not to be abrupt and seem too intrusive.

She sniffs and wipes quickly her makeup free face before she turns to face me. I don't mention anything and neither does she. She acts as if nothing had happened at all.

"Exactly what I need." I smile back to her and take a seat on the bed in front of her. She takes the glass from my hand and raises it slightly. She seems pensive a second, but looks at me the next. "To relationships."

I smile and nod as we toast to her words. It's a good thing to toast about. Old, new, 'relationship' sums up this whole situation. And Lord knows how messy my relationships have been lately, I am happy to focus and clear the ones that mean the most to me. Starting with hers.

"I am really thankful to have met you. I don't think I have told you before, but I am." I smile to her and reach for her. I put my hand on her arm resting on her lap and take it off quickly.

"Aren't you the cheese balls?!" She coos and teases me on my sentimentalism.

"I am just being honest. Why keep it to myself when it could make you happy to know?" I say as a rhetorical question. I smile to her and take a sip of my delicious choice of white wine.

"It does make me happy. Thank you." She mirrors me and frowns a bit. "So what have you planned to cook for dinner?  I am starving!"

I laugh in response and get up to invite her to follow me to the kitchen.

"I thought you would." She follows me and sits at the small kitchen table to watch me cook. "Hopefully, Marcel will be here soon."

I have mentioned Marcel without thinking it would have such an effect on Sophie. It hurts me and confuses me. There's a part of me that is ready to love him. He makes it so easy. But there's also the part of me that doesn't fully let go, yet. Sophie's doubts towards him are what is keeping me from falling. Whoever he was in the past is one thing I can't hold against him. But he did treat me wrong...

When I'm with him, I forget about the world. There's only him and I. I find behaviours like spanking, choking, sex in public places all right. I even gave my underwear to Ashley. What was wrong with me? He is out of his head and I'm out of my mind.  But that's something that excites me about him.

But when I'm away or with Sophie, I realise how wrong it all is. I am leading on Ashley on something that doesn't even exist. He isn't even interested in me. I was just some quick fun, but now, on tour, he can have anyone he goddamn wants. He is sexy as hell. Even now, with only her sigh, I feel bad. I feel like I can't entirely be truthful. I feel like I am intrusive, like this isn't really my home now, but hers and I am only a guest. A guest because I was her cousin's girlfriend.

FALLEN (NOW PUBLISHED ON AMAZON)Where stories live. Discover now