Find Jung Hoseok, Episode 1.

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The year is 2052 humans are nearly extinct, due to radioactive exposure and many other things.

There are two political parties; Red, people who believe that the government and the supreme rulers should handle all the community affairs. Blue, who believe that people should completely rule the Earth with no rules, with no punishment either.

In this year, Park Jaesoo took over as monarch and president. She fooled all of us into her trap, making us think she would save us when in turn she is one of the causes that will destroy us.

Many assassin's were sent to exterminate her, but none came back alive, as far as we know. Now we are sending you, Kim Namjoon to save us. You are a genius, the people will follow you. Be careful of whom you trust,

Do you accept your mission?

[✓] Yes
[ ] No

Good luck, Your first task is to find Jung Hoseok. He will lead you to revolution.


Kim Namjoon opened his eyes, the stale scent of lemon cleaner taking over his senses. He looked around the room, spying some dirty clothes from yesterday and a bunch of food wrappers on the floor.

He scrunched his nose up in disgust and pushed the covers off of him, he walked around the house somewhat exploring. Finding pictures of him and a few other people he couldn't name, he sighed.

He placed the picture down gently and pulled some fresh clothes on, he didn't know much about himself that was important only a few things, such as his name, his birthday, and that he needed to find Jung Hoseok.

He wasn't sure why he couldn't remember anything else about himself but whatever I guess. It's not like he could do anything about it, most days after he found out he had amnesia he would read to fill his brain with other things to remember.

Some days he really wished he was dead, and some days he didn't. Simple as that really, a lot of people committed suicide these days, due to their so called president, Park Jaesoo.

Her monarch ways are what caused the world to go to hell, she's the one who started the radioactive testing on people, ending thousands of lives, she the one who initiated World War 3 and tried to convince everyone that it'd be okay. Namjoon knew he'd never meet her, but he also knew he would always hate her.

Namjoon pushed his thoughts away and walked out of the house once he put fresh clothes on. He walked through the semi crowded streets, simply pushing people past, not really caring if they fell.

He stopped between two places; House of Cards , a club for the high-end people and Magic Shop, a place where not many people came, really only those looking for something, or someone.

Where do you wanna go Kim Namjoon?

[House Of Cards.   ]
[Magic Shop.           ]


*At every chapter you will be given a choice, comment and cast your answer. In 48 hours the vote will end, choose wisely. Remember everything is not what it seems*

Also this is a early update, I got motivated and figured I'd post it for you.

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