"Yeah its a social media app..." he trails off as shuri starts from the first pictured posted in 2014 scrunching her face in confusion.

"Im aware coloniser... so he had a social media app where he always post his location...and you guys lost him?" She ask the older man who stumbles for an answer before looking away from her judgemental eyes.

"Look he had a girlfriend, maybe shes the reason he came back on the charts" everett points out trying to regain hinself from the scrutiny and when shuri looks back at the screen she nearly screams seeing the woman. "W-what? You know her?!" Everett ask seeing the look on he face.

Quickly dialing t'challa on her kimoyo beads she growls when she doesnt get an answer and flings the beads only for them to be caught by the man she was trying to reach.

"I got your message to come 5 minutes ago shuri no need to keep calling" he tells her with a grin until he sees the shock on her face and confusion on everetts. He goes to ask a question until he sees the couple, malika and erik posing for many different pictures over the course of a year and even the most recent being from november 13th of a boy whos jumping on the bed singing happy birthday though his face is blurry its clear thats malika.

"Obviously im missing something here?" Everett chips in again hoping to get a response from the siblings who only share a look before looking at him.

"Shes one of us. Shes actually one of the best war dogs we've ever had extremely strong, a higher level of smart and extroadinarily cunning" shuri says as t'challa presses a picture of a ring and realizes its the same one he seen on the mans necklace yesterday.

 Shes actually one of the best war dogs we've ever had extremely strong, a higher level of smart and extroadinarily cunning" shuri says as t'challa presses a picture of a ring and realizes its the same one he seen on the mans necklace yesterday

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"Great" everett claps his hands together gaining the attention of shuri and t'challa. "So now we just go get her, obviously he loves this girl you can see it in the pictures  so maybe she can talk him out of this, right?" He adds and the two share another similar facial expression.

"We actually have no clue where she is.She was suppose to come back after last year but went off the charts, we could never find her everything turned out to be a dead end" Shuri admitts with a frown making all of them return to a dead silence once again.

"Plus even if we did find her how do we know shes not on his side? She did go rogue its possible she no longer holds loyalty to wakanda" T'challa sighs rubbing his temple until shuri punches him roughly though it does more damage to her hand then his bicep.

"What?! She would never turn her back on wakanda even when we failed to capture the man that killed her family she still fought for this country! And just because YOU stopped talking to her in june doesnt mean i did. Shes not on his side she was still doing missions for us just not as a wakandan war dog" shuri blurts angrily unpleased that her brother would even say something like that. Until she realizes she just gave away one of the longest kept secrets in wakanda.

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