Michael| Secretely Dating Sara In Prison

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Location: Fox River Prison
Time/Moment: During season 1

Michael was rubbing his head and walking round and around in his cell. Something special was going to happen today and he was thinking about it all day.

Sucre noticed his nervous behaviour and jumped off the bunk bed. "Papi, what's going on? You're acting this nervous all day long!" Sucre said while holding his hand on Michaels shoulder causing Michael to stop walking.

Michael didn't want to say what was going on so he made up something to get rid of sucre's suspiciousness. "Nothing, nothing is going on, I'm just walking rounds because I'm bored." Michael said shortly. He pushed away Sucre's hand and sat down on his bed.

Sucre knew there was something going on and hated to see Michael like that. He sat down next to Michael on his bed and fold his hands. "I know you longer than only this day papi, I can see it on your face that something is going on. What is it?"

Michael sighed. He didn't wanna tell anyone about his plans for tonight, but he knew Sucre well enough that he would kept asking about his nervousness, looking for answers. Michael decided to tell him about his plans, it couldn't do any harm anyways if Sucre knew what he had planned. "I've uhmm... I've planned a date with someone special." Michael said still nervous.

Sucre was confused and stood up from the bunkbed. He leant with his arms on the metal of the bunkbed and thought about what Michael said. "A date? With who, one of the prison guards?" Sucre said teasing Michael a little.

Michael lifted up his head and looked at Sucre. How could he think that he was in love with one of the guards? He would prefer to avoid someone like officer Bellick than going on a date with him. "Nope, I'm not dating one of the pewies." Michael laughed.

Sucre thought deepfully. "Someone special you said huh..?" Sucre said mumbling. "The only one who I know who's special to me is Maricruz. But I assume that you're not dating my girlfriend." Sucre said.

Michael stood up and walked over to the bars of his cell. He grabbed them with both of his hands and looked through the building they were kept in. "I'll give you a hint, her name starts with an S and ends with ara Tancredi." Michael said smirking and looked back at Sucre who stood behind him.

Sucre was getting more confused. "You mean Doctor Tancredi?" He said while raising his eyebrows.

Michael had that glance of happyness on his face. "The only one." He said to the still convused Sucre.

Michael saw in Sucre's eyes that it was hard for him to believe what he just said. He knew it sounded impossible, 'dating the doctor in prison' , but he had everything planned out for tonight. He had thought of the smallest details. "How are you gonna do that, dating Tancredi while you're still here in your cell?" Sucre asked him suspiciously.

"I'm not gonna tell you everything in detail, but let's say I've arranged something." Michael said, he turned around and looked back through the bars, trying to focus on something else than the tonight's date.

Sucre sat down again on his bunkbed. "So... what have you arranged." He said still looking for some answers. "I'm not gonna get in some trouble huh?"

Michael saw Sucre starting to worry about his arranged things. And tried to calm him down. "You don't have to worry Sucre, it won't cause some trouble. I just have to wait until the moment is there and then we'll see what I've arranged."

Sucre still found it hard to believe what Michael was telling him. But he thought as a friend he had to support him so he talked with Michael about his own experiences on his first date all the afternoon long.

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