Chapter 4

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Rachel's POV

I'm engaged to the best man on earth, to the most romantic guy I've ever met. I can't thank god for a having a guy like him in my life. I love him so much.

"So babe, when will we start planing the wedding?" Olivier asked.

"About that..." I started.

"Don't tell me you don't want a wedding" Olivier cuts me off.

"Don't worry just sit"

We sat in the living to talk everything out.

"When I was young I was always worried of never having money enough for an amazing wedding. Ever since I was 15 I have been saving up some money. And I would hate to make you pay for it, cause I want it a very classy and expensive wedding. So we are gonna meet with my parents tonight so we can get the money back" I explained and Olivier nodded.

we spent an hour talking about it and how much I am thankful for his understanding.


We got dressed to meet my parents. Olivier wore his suit and I wore my ribbed knit cutout dress.

"Hi mom, hi dad" I said greeting them.

"Congratulations darling,son" my mom said as she hugged us both.

"Thank you Mrs. Green" Olivier said.

"Oh please call me Judy" my mom replied.

"And you can call me jack" my dad said. I rolled my eyes at their

"Well now to what really matters. Mom, dad we need the money that I have been saving for my wedding"

"Sweetie, we thought you'd never really use it, so we bought the beach house with the money. We are so sorry"

"What??" I snapped feeling the anger built up in me. Who blames me? I have been saving money for a special even since I was little and I never expected anyone to take them.


"I'll pay no matter how much money it has to take" Olivier said as he drove us back home.

"I can't make you pay this much" I replied feeling the tears built up in me. I was so angry and pissed right now.

"Don't worry about the money..."

"I am just so mad at them, they know how much it means to me" I sniffed

The road back home was silent. We were both lost in our own wedding thoughts. When we got back home, Mesut and Mandy were there.

"how was dinner?" Mandy asked

"Horrible" I responded.

"Why?" She asked concerned.

"My parents used the money for something else. So no wedding" I replied.

"How much do you need to pay?" Mandy asked

When I told him exactly how much, Olivier got shocked and angry.

"What?" Olivier snapped.

"Can't Olivier pay?" Mandy asked.

"Im sorry but I'm not willing to pay this much money for just one party" Olivier replied.

"It's not a party" I said getting angry.

"We'll have a small wedding. Nuff said" Olivier said dramatically leaving the room and going to his.

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