| KNK | Imagine #2 - Jihun |

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Summary: A cold day with him

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Summary: A cold day with him.

Words: 1080.


You are waking up after putting your head on the couch, it's 5:00 pm, but you don't want to do anything, you are too sad to go outside and enjoy the snow. So basically you are sad because you discovered that your brother is no longer in Seoul with your parents and nobody knows where he went, so you are very worried. After remembering your brother, you grabbed a pillow from the couch and started to drop some tear when suddenly you heard someone knocking the door. You got up from the couch and as you started to clean up your tears you opened the door, and for your surprise it was your boyfriend Jihun.

-Princess why are you crying? Are you okay? – Jihun said while caressing your cheeks.

-I'm fine... but why are you here? You shouldn't be here.

-What do you mean? The practice is already done, and we have a long break right now that's why I came to see you. Y/N don't hide me anything... what's the matter? – Jihun said as he tried to look at your face.

-My brother is disappeared, he left my parents' house and we don't know where he went.

-Come here – Jihun started to embrace you tightly – Don't worry, I bet he's fine, let's think positive, okay?


-Now Y/N, let me go for something for you.

-What? -. Jihun went upstairs directly to your room and took a warm jacket for you as well as a scarf.

-Are we going out?

-Sure thing! Look at the snow outside, it's a perfect day -. Jihun helped you to put on the jacket and the scarf, and after that you were ready to go. As soon as you got out of your house the air felt cold and all the streets were covered with ice and snow. Both of you started to walk as you held hands, you really were sorry for being that cold towards Jihun, but you can't help it, the feeling of something missing in your life is something new for you.



-How are you feeling?

-Empty, for some reason.

-It's normal, you were very close with your brother.

-I'm sorry for being this quiet.

-Hey, I know it's hard for you, so don't pressure yourself so much.

-I think it's better if you go back with the rest of the members, I'll be fine.

-Oh no, I'm not leaving you like this, I'm worried about you.


-Hey look at me – Both of you stopped walking – Let me try to help you, I'm sure he wants you to be alright -. Jihun took your hand once again and guide you to little park full of snow, then he took some snow on his hands and gave it to you.

-It's cold you know.

-I know, but have fun with it, enjoy your time with me. Y/N this days are really strange for both of us, I barely have time to see you during the week so enjoy.

-You are right... I'm sorry.

-Don't be, now enjoy your time-. You took more snow and started to do a ball with it, Jihun was watching you with a little smile on his face as you started to look directly into the snowball, and threw it to Jihun making him fall into the grown full of snow. You started to laugh, when Jihun got up a snowball fight started between you both. The place started to be surrounded by smiles and laughs, and you finally enjoyed some time with Jihun.

Finally both of you got tired so the two of you rested on the ground full of snow, and while laughing both of you started to look at each other.

-Thank you for this Jihun.

-Thanks to you! It was a lot of fun.

-I missed you so much.


-Yeah... we only see each other in the weekend if you have the chance.

-I'm sorry for not been there for you princess.

-Hey, don't be sorry, I knew this could happen if I dated an idol. And I'm proud of you for everything you have done with KNK, so I'm fine.

-Thank you for being such a supportive girlfriend, I'm really lucky to have you.


-*Laugh* you look so cute when you blush.

-*Fake laughing* how funny -. Jihun got closer to you and he gave you a sweet kiss in your forehead making you blush even more.

-Don't tease me Jihun.

-Me? Never princess.

-Yeah, sure.

-*Laugh* Oh god I was missing you so much.

-*Giggle* me too... and I'm glad you came today, even though I was in the worst position ever.

-But you know what, I'm sure your brother is okay, you'll see that he's fine and he will contact you soon.

-I hope you are right. Well you want to head back home?

-Let's go, but before that -. Jihun got on top of you and he gently started to get closer to your lips. And with a sweet smile on his face he kiss you deeply, it was a sweet and gentle kiss, at first you were surprised because Jihun is not that romantic, but you like when he change a little sometimes. Both of you got apart because the lack of air.

-Now let's go home.

-As you wish my king.

-*Laugh* Here comes the nicknames.

-Hey, they're cute nicknames.

-Sure princess, sure -. You got up from the floor as well as Jihun, and you went back home while talking during your way back. You reached your home, so you opened the door and both of you took of the jackets after you closed the door. Jihun went towards the living room, he started to watch his phone and in the meanwhile you made coffee for you two. You went towards the living room and sat next to him while giving him the coffee.

-Thank you princess – Jihun said while watching his phone.

-Something new? – You said as you took a sip to your warm coffee.

-No, I'm just posting the photo we took while we were in the snow.

-Wait, what?! But honey we haven't made anything official.

-Well, I'm making our relationship official right now.

-What about your company?

-Don't worry, this isn't a problem, and after all I made this for love, because I love you Y/N. I love you to the moon and back.


Hope you liked it tinker bells!! Please support KNK, it's a great kpop group and I'm sure you will fall in love with them.

If you have any suggestions for another imagine, please let me know and I'll make my best to make it. Hope you have a great and lovely day!! <3

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