"I didn't mean to...." He couldn't complete as he wriggled under her heated touch. 

She stepped on his slippers and now her woolen cloth touched his bare skin. Her palms gently rested against his chest and he took a deep breath reining his all-over-the-place wits. She moved her fingers over his flesh and he gripped her wrists for stopping her from igniting the never-known-before emotions. 

"What?" She asked batting her eyelashes as he tried to glare her. That's how one might look when they were dazed but trying to pose in control. 

"Nothing," She said and tiptoed to reach his lips. She didn't budge, just kept standing half an inch away from his lips. Manik breathed hot over her smiling lips. She didn't make any move while he ran an entire marathon in mind to take himself away from that one destination. He was running away from the finish line. But then, don't you cross the same line either way?

He took her lips in his urgently and left them just to grab them again and again, and then again. His hands clutched her waist so tightly as if it was only string to hold onto while he was drowning into her. 

Nandini scratched his shoulders ever so painfully and he deepened the kiss. A cold blow of wind slapped their heated encounter and all his pores stood as a response. His thumb was now caressing her cheek ever so gently as he moved his neck across her face to give her one last peck before he retreated. Their eyes met each others' as they stood still so glued. 

"You're insane," He murmured shaking his head and a simper formed on her lips. Her hand stealthy traveled to knob of shower and turned it on. Cold water made him gurgle as he shivered along with her. 

All the passion flew along water and he looked at her accusingly. Her giggles filled the enclosed space and he kept looking her as if she was the craziest creature on earth. 

"It's 3 degree outside," He informed while settling his palms over her soaked waist. 

"I thought it was too hot in here," She replied as if it was the simplest inference ever. 

"Wasn't it?" She asked getting closer to him yet again. 

Manik knew it this time how not to lose to that wildcat. He picked her up and dropped in bathtub where laid all their cloths-to-be-washed. 

"Enough of everything," He said before turning the shower off. She could head him huffing and then puffing some air. He was one specimen of his own kind.

His hands urgently picked up one of her sweaters and drained it. Nandini could see him concentrating on the work as if it was some important drill. Filling the bathtub with hot water, she held his hand. 

In no time, she sat in one end of tub while he on other. In middle of them laid the cloths. He was busy washing them while she was busy making bubbles just to blow them in his face.

Toe of her foot teased him without a pause while he wrote a book on a thousand ways to turn off his girl in his mind. She giggled so many times while he couldn't stop his lip from making a upward curve as if he was flustered any less any way. 

It was a bad, bad idea to wash a few things!!


Colonel Singh walked in mayor's luncheon with Sahiba and smiled at first person they met. Mayor had organised a luncheon party for all the renowned names of town. It was after a long time when Colonel Singh had happily come to any event with his lovely wife. His and Sahiba's relationship had also suffered in past few days but then one reconciliation had mended it all. Sahiba was happy with her husband as he had apologized to Nandini. 

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