How to Enter/Guidelines

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1. Follow me and add this book to your reading list so you get all of the updates

2. Be sure to fill out the form and answer each question correctly. (next chapter)

3. Your book must be at least 4 chapters (Not including the author's note, prologues and epilogues)

4. If your book has over 5k reads (before you enter) you cannot enter it in the contest.

5. MUST HAVE A COVER. No default covered books will be accepted. (A cover is what pulls in your readers! I have a covers book on my personal account if you need one) 

6. Tell your friends! Tag at least 5 people to spread the word about the awards.

7. YOU MAY NOT be rude to the judges and/or other contestants. If I am informed that you have been rude or disrespected someone or their book(s) you WILL be disqualified and I will report you. 

8. NO bribing the judges in any way. If I am told that you have tried you will be disqualified.

9. FOLLOW YOUR JUDGES. Judges are a huge part of any contest and they deserve a follow for the hard work they do. (This is non-negotiable)

10. Sore losers will be put on a list and may not enter the competition again. This means if you begin to be rude to other contestants or judges if you feel you "should have won" you will not be allowed to participate in future awards.

11. You may only enter each book (Up to two) in ONE category each. They cannot be entered in the same category.

1st Epiphany Awards 2019 -2020  ~ Contestants (OPEN)Where stories live. Discover now