A new life

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DOWNTOWN Mistral at night at a bar

An hooded figure appeared out from the shadows and walked up to the man. "ahh Hakeem your back... soo how did it go, did you get him?" the bartender asked. Hakeem smiled and replied "ha ha i'm sorry but you know i can't tell you" to this the bartender frowned "oh" was all he could say. Thinking quickly Hakeem patted her on the back "hey.. how about i show you how i killed him?" he said with a smile "really?" the bartender beamed "NO" a stern voice came from behind "y..y..yes'ma" the bartender stuttered. "And as for you Shaun why are you back?" the female asked with stilted eyes. "Maple why else would i be here? besides the fact i have nowhere else to stay.." Shaun asked sarcastically, as he tries to walk past her she put her hand up as to stop him "you know someone didn't know you where going to leave... so she's worried" Maple said in a motherly tone. Shaun smiled "thank you for keeping an eye on her, i'll make sure to visit her when i'm done reporting". "Good.. say after you report this you'll be deemed a true assassin" she said. Hakeem simply nodded and made his way through the halls, then stopped at a painting, pushing with his left hand to revel an hideout.

Shaun walked through the hideout silently as to not make any noise as he walks through the hideout to get to his destination. As he made it to his destination someone was watching him silently, closely, and hungrily. "Shaun your back are you ready to receive your official robe?" his father asked him "yes sir " Shaun said as he bowed his head. just as his mother walked in someone sunk up on him. "SHAUN!" a girl with black hair screamed out and pounced on him. "I'VEMISSEDYOUWEREHAVEYOUBEENWHYDIDN'TYOUTELLMEYOUWERELEAVING!" the girl said it so fast that no one understood what she was saying. Shaun chuckled and gave her a small kiss on her forehead "sorry if i worried you" he said with a smile. "hehe i'm glade your back son, now.. as much as i want to keep you here a little while longer we can't" his mother said in a sad but happy tone. "Why?"Shaun asked confused still on the floor with the black haired girl on top of him snuggling and kissing. "I thought i was going to actually call my self an assassin" he said a little disappointed as he got up from where he was tackled moving the black haired girl off of him gently. "Plus i didn't tell you about my assassination and what he said.." "don't worry about that" his older sister Lina said as she walked up with the oldest sibling his brother Draymond "what you have to worry about is how to get to Beacon.." Draymond said to his brother who was still confused.

"W.. i'm going back to vale?!" Shaun shouted even more confused as to why the didn't tell you to stay there instead of wasting lien. "Not just you my dear child you will be there will be three other assassins with you" his mother said sweetly. "Don't worry about the number of student's and rooms we already told Ozpin that four assassins are coming to beacon to train a little more in aura based activities" his dad chipped in as they walked to Shaun's room "Oh.. and the assassins you will be going with are your trusted friends we made sure of that." Lina said as they entered his room. "Cause your kind of a lone wolf and that's not going to cut it at beacon.." his brother added as they started to grab Shaun's clothes,weapons, and cloths/robes... and they were packing them... "w..wait hang on!" Shaun tried to stop them but to no success.

2 hours later

They where done packing his robes/cloths, toiletries, and weapons. "So whom am i to be going with?" Shaun asked his voice more serious then when he got there as he carry his belongings with him. His mother simply said "you'll see" she said with an.. weird smile on her face as she and his two siblings led him to the docks without there hoods on. Once there they begun to wish Shaun luck on his knew adventure "you've yet to tell me who i'm going to be with" he said again as they walked away from view blending in with the people. "...they just left... without even giving me a clue!" he cursed under his breath and begun to look for his brothers and sisters of the brotherhood he first wanted to find a place to put his bag down seeing as to him, already having his weapons on him. he begun to walk along the deck of the ship looking for three people with nearly the same wear as him. After searching up and down on the ship no one seemed to stick out so he gives it a rest and decides to walk to his room. When he walked in tired from looking for his "companions" he lays down and tries to get some sleep... only not to get some sleep, something felt off. Shaun get's up to inspect his room. Nothing was there, to make matters worse Azure [his pet eagle who he can see through her eyes] wasn't near him so he couldn't use his eagle vision. Suddenly a noise came from his closest Shaun activated his hidden blades as he quickly but silently walked to the closest door... "HAYYY!" someone shouted as they jumped out the closest. Without thinking and acting on pure instincts he sidestep the person who came out of the closest and kneed them in the gut then rolling off their back all the while kicked the other person who was in the closest in the jaw, then he heard footsteps behind him then kicked them full force in the gut causing them to stagger and hold they gut in pain then kneed that person in the face causing him to fall backwards unconscious turning to the other two who had recovered from his last hits he ran up and ram one with his shoulder then drop kicked the other. As Shaun got up he drew his bow and arrow and was about to shoot the one he rammed into. "SHAUN W..W..WAIT WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" a voice from behind said almost tearfully. but the voice was unmistakable as he realized who they where " wha?... i'm sorry my instincts took over i didn't look who you where before i attack-" "bruh we know we understand too.. ahh son of a bitch you got me.." a male voice strained as he said this sitting up. "I tried to tell her to control her emotions ngg~" Maple grunted as she sit up as well "i'm sorry guys i just couldn't help it" the voice that stopped him said with regret in her voice "like hell you are! you knew he would react this way Clarline!" the male voice bit at her "HEY AND I SAID I WAS SORRY WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT?!" Clarline bit back. Then they started arguing like little children instead of keeping it quit and calm like the trained killers they were. "Alright you two do we need to put ya'll in a Conner until you grow a pair?" Maple raised her voice so the two "children" would stop bickering "no" they both mumbled "honestly i expected me and maple to be the ones arguing like that.." Shaun said as he sat on his bed "now we need to rest. Tomorrow we will be at beacon so Clarline and Solitaire will you two get along until then?" maple's motherly nature begins to show again as she manages to calm them down and they went to sleep Clarline slept with Shaun and the other two slept together

10:30 A.M vale's docks

The four young assassins get off the boat and onto the docks they decided to walk among the streets with the people go site seeing explore vale, in which they did they visited dust shops and food shops they had a fun time joking, laughing, it was so refreshing then what they where use to.. it was like a vacation. they split up to have guy on guy and girl on girl talks.

the guys

"it's been a long time since we was able to hang out like this... before the killing, the confessions that make you contemplate your own beliefs and why you killed them in the first place..." Shaun spoke from what he was felling.. how he was felling

"he you an't lying.. i believe you have gotten darker since i last saw you..." Solitaire jokingly said

"hahahahah nigga you trippin" Shaun jokingly punch Solitaire on the shoulder as they recommence about the pass

"i can't believe it's been 10 years since we last saw each other" Solitaire said as they walk down the streets of vale

"hmp. it has been a while hasn't it? i remember you being taller then me!" Shaun said laughing at his childhood friend

"hey your wolf ears don't count!" Solitaire laughing with him

"sighs* i wish i.. we can enjoy this a little bit longer" Shaun said as he looked up in the sky.

"hey this is the price we get for getting older! especially with our lives, you just knew being six years old wasn't going to last forever."Solitaire pats Shaun on the back

"let's go" Shaun's said as the made their way to the loading docks to go to Beacon.

the girls

" Maple.." Clarline said as she looked up to her the girls were just walking around the rooftops exploring the city of vale since it's their first time coming. talking about the creed and what it's becoming or just clowning on each other.

"hmm?" Maple looked at her with a smile that would melt anyone's heart

"thank you for relaxing with me and being there when Shaun's not around" Clarline said in pure innocents

"we're family of course i'll be there." Maple said while they walked through the crowd all the while she was staring at Clarline with her motherly smile

"come on the guys are calling now we should hurry." maple said as they were on the rooftops.

bullhead ride to beacon

the 4 assassins stuck together on the way to Beacon with their hoods on as to blend in with the crowd. One assassin  would just walk around the ship as to not cause that much attention to himself while he was looking out the window as they closed in on Beacon until a blond kid rushed passed him looking like he was about to throw up as he looked for a trash can, upon looking at this he ran passed two girls one blonde and the other had red tips and mostly black hair. The blonde one apparently had got vomit on her shoes to this the younger looking girl screamed in disgust "eww, yang you have some on your shoes!"the younger looking girl told her Yang looked down and was only able to say one word multiple times "gross" as she went to her friend for help who didn't want any part of it. The assassins regrouped and discuss how they where going to approach this new short life they had. "We should first off, be mindful of the friends we make" Maple said as the bullhead begun to descent for the students to get off "and stay hidden among the shadows of the students" Shaun put in as the begun to walk off the bull head "right, if we must strike in public do so swiftly and quickly.. we are not bound by the rules they have" Clarline spoke next as the put there hoods on. "Nothing is true everything is permitted" Solitaire said as he and Maple put there hoods on "we work in the the shadows to serve the light, we are assassins" Shaun finished as he put his hood on and they seemingly disappeared among the students as they walked onto Beacons soil..

SO YEP THIS WAS THE NEXT CHAPTER AS YOU CAN SEE WE'VE MADE TO BEACON AND EVERYTHING NOW IT IS TIME THAT ARE CHARACTERS MEET THE ORIGINAL CHARACTER NEXT TIME.. ON DRAGONBALL Z... no but in all seriousness a lot of stuff will be explained next chapter i promise you people so until then i'll see you guys later

RWBY vol.1: REMNANT'S CREED THE BEGINNING vol. 1Where stories live. Discover now