David walked over to Connor, giving the man a warning because of Daniel.

Daniel stood by, arms crossed. He was bored. This was boring.

Another person suddenly appeared. A short, pink haired girl, who wasn't an angel nor demon. She was just a human.

David and Connor greeted her, both of them smiling.

The woman stopped smiling when she noticed how beaten up David was.

"David, what happened?" She asked grabbing David's face.

David pointed to Daniel, who waved, smiling sweetly at the woman.

The woman sighed. "David, please don't get yourself in too much trouble."

"Too late." David chuckled.

The woman facepalmed. "God damnit."

"I'm sorry I disappointed you mom." David laughed.

Connor laughed. "You've disappointed our mother, David! How dare you!"

The woman searched through her pockets before pulling out some keys and unlocking the door.

"Are you the owner?" Daniel asked the woman. "No, I'm his sister though." The woman said, walking inside the building.

Connor walked inside, yawning as he said. "Thanks, Sarah."

Daniel stayed close to David, petting his wings.

David waved him away. "I gotta get changed into my uniform. Don't touch anything."

And David walked off to the "employees only" room.

After a few minutes, Sarah walked out, wearing a pink outfit and a poodle skirt, her hair now put in a ponytail with a bow in her hair as well. Daniel watched another person walk into the restaurant. A red haired demon, who immediately walked to the "employees only" room.

Soon David came walking out, wearing black pants and a white button up shirt tucked into the pants. And Connor walked out wearing the same thing. The restaurant was themed similar to the outfits and Daniel liked it a lot. The place and outfits were nice.

And David did look pretty fucking cute in his outfit.

The demon came back out, wearing a pink poodle skirt, and wrapping her arms around Connor, and watching Connor practically melt in her arms.

"David." Daniel grabbed him. "Who's that demon girl?"

David looked over at the woman. "Oh, You mean Tracy?" David raised a brow.

"Yeah, her, the redhead." Daniel said. "Why is she just over with Connor?? Why isn't she like clawing at him and shit??" Daniel asked, confused.

David started to walk to get a pair of roller skates for himself so he'd be ready when they were open.

"Tracy is Connor's girlfriend." David explained.

Daniel didn't seem to believe that. "An angel, dating a demon? Are you serious?"

"I'm dead serious." David said, looking at Daniel. "Why do you think I told you not to mess with Connor? Tracy is extremely protective over him and she doesn't like other demons touching him." David explained. "A few months ago she even ran back into their burning house to save him and their dog."

"Is that why is face is all fucked up?" Daniel asked.

"Yes, he actually had to spend a month and a half recovering from burns." David said, putting on the roller skates. "Why don't you go talk to them, since you're asking me about them."

Daniel paused and muttered a small. 'Fine.' Before he walked towards the angel and demon.

Tracy pulled Connor closer as Daniel approached.

"Do you need something?" She asked.

"No, no, I just have a few questions on angel's is all, and you seem to have an angel here and I'm assuming you know a few things on them." Daniel said. "I'm Daniel, and I've already heard from David They your guy's names are Tracy and Connor."

"so you're the demon Connor told me about? The one that roughed up David?" Tracy sighed. "Why do you want to know anything about angel's anyways?"

Daniel yawned and stretched for a moment before he decided to speak. "Well, I just want to know more about angels so I don't make David so uncomfortable that he actually wants to die." Daniel explained.

Tracy sighed. "What do you want to know?"

"Everything." Daniel grinned.

With a sigh, Tracy began to explain some things to Daniel, occasionally using Connor as an example for things. She explained that at right at the base of an angel's wing is a very sensitive spot that angel's either hate people touching or they love people touching. And she also explained the weighted blanket thing, and how angels can sleep better when they have something heavy on them.

Tracy told Daniel a few more things before going to finish getting ready, Connor right beside her. And Daniel just went on and walked back to David, smiling. He was pretty happy with what he learned and he was excited to use some new tricks he learned.

//I hope you guys are enjoying these more frequent updates! I'm having fun writing them!

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