Chapter 2: Mary

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Mary sighed a sigh that would have been heavy 10 years ago. It was a tired sigh. Mary is tired of many things and they all are somehow related to her "blasted oxygen tank" as she calls it.

Many times she tells her nurse, "I hate to swear, but I will call that tank blasted... because it is."

Although Mary has always come across as a little ditzy she is still highly intelligent. Being around people has always made her nervous, being around others makes it hard for her to speak intelligently. Her doctor labeled this as "social anxiety."

She runs her clean hand through her white curls. Her other hand is spattered with various colors of paint. She doesn't believe in cleaning her brushes with water, she likes to just wipe the leftover paint on her hand. This creates a whole new piece of artwork on her body.

Squinting at her painting she takes a strained breath and picks up her paint brush again. This painting has taken her 6 months so far, only because of her lung condition.

She makes a slow stroke of tan on the realistic portrait of her nurse. Another sigh. She puts her brush down and collapses into bed.

"Mary I hate that you overwork yourself." Hannah the nurse says as she fluffs her pillows behind her.

Gasping for breath, "It's..." gasp "ok...." gasp gulp of air "I'm doing...." gasp gasp.

Hannah hurried to check her vitals. "Hush Mary you're talking is just making it worse, you're going to be ok."

A few minutes later Mary smiles a weak smile, "I love art I can't stop."

Hannah gently squeezes her arm, "I know you do, and I love my portrait. I just want you to take more rests ok?"

The feeling Mary knows far too well is overtaking her. The exhaustion is taking a toll on her body. Her limbs are getting numb and her eyelids are getting heavy.

"Ok, I'm going" Mary gives in once again and closes her eyes.

"Goodnight sweet Mary, I'll check on you later."

~Isn't Mary the cutest?!? 💗

A Better PlaceTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon