Chapter 6:

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The Past Still Haunts Me

The best way to wake up is when you smell your favorite food being cooked, along with the slight sound of birds singing in the air.

Unfourtunantly, that's not how I woke up. I awoke to the smell of sweat, and four idiots attempting to sing to Mariah Carey.

"Are we there yet?" I ask, my voice a little scratchy from the lack of water.

"Almost, twenty minutes left." Ashton takes a break from singing to answer.

I was going to fall back to sleep but an amazing song started to play and I couldn't help but sing along. I sat up quickly, ready for "You are the reason" by Calum Scott to start.

"There goes my heart beating/cause you are the reason/I'm losing my sleep/please come back now," I sing. All the boys sing along while looking at me.

"I'd climb ever mountain/and swim every ocean/just to be with you/and fix what I've broken/oh cause I need you to see/ that you re the reason." We finish the song while the boys grin from ear to ear.

"I didn't know you could sing!" Michael exclaims.

"You don't know a lot about me," I say looking down at my arms covered by my jacket. I had a  problem last year, a phase that still haunts me to this day. A phase I regret but cannot forget.

"I hope to change that," He says, I look up at him. He was looking at my arms as well. When his eyes met mine, he gave me a look that says I-know-what-you're-talking-about.

We all fell silent. Michael's phone buzzes and he turns it on. I guess it was a text because he had started typing. Once he finished he put his phone back in his pocket.

"I lay my head against Calum and he wraps his arm around my shoulder. I look up at him. He was looking out the front window. I poke his cheek which makes him turn his gaze down at me. I give him an innocent smile and a small tilt of the head.

"Evil child," he mumbles. I nuzzle into him and close my eyes. I didn't fall asleep because I knew I'd be home in a few minutes. I just wanted to enjoyed the warmth. They had the car freezing, I like the cold, but I still need some heat.

"Alexis," I hear Calum whisper and he shakes me a bit. "Where pulling up to your street." He starts to stroke my hair. I yawn before sitting back up.

"Nice house," Luke says.

"Thank you," I reply sleepily. Once the car pulled into my driveway and stopped we got out. When I attempted I almost fell, I guess the medicine was still working.

I grabbed my bag from the trunk and slowly headed up to the front door.

"Mi amigos" I say attempting spanish, while rubbing my eye. "Welcome to sue casa, whatever that means," I say, still too tired to understand myself.

"Be aware, the dogs do jump, they don't bite though." I warn them before opening the door, releasing the beast. My dog, Little Bit, ran up to me specifically. Shadow sniffed the guys while Tigger jumped around.

"This dare devil is Little Bit," I point as I talk. "The one sniffing you like crazy aka the black one, is Shadow. And this little boxer is Tigger." I finish, while patting Tigger on the head.

"Now! To the living room." We all walk up the stairs of wonders and into the living room.

"Bunny! Welcome back!" I hear my mom say. Here comes the start of embarrassment. My mom freezes when she sees the guys.

"Momma, you remember 5sos right?" I gesture to the four boys sitting on our couch.

"Anyways, to my room!" I charge down the hallway into my room.

"Hey Chloe." I say

"Hello Human," I roll my eyes playfully.

"So I have four of my friends over, don't freak out please, I know they are way better looking in person." I say, she gives me a confused expression.


"You'll have to see for yourself."

I set my bags down, she carefully gets off the her bed.

"I'm serious, no freak out moments, and you gotta give us some room, don't follow us 24/7 okay?"

"Okay Alexis, who is it?" She asks getting frustrated.

As we walk out I run out in front if her and wait for her to see them. When she does her eyes widen.

"It's 5 Seconds of Summer!"

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