Chapter 3- The car ride

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We finished with breakfast and walked out of the cafe.

"Do you want to walk, or take the bus, a taxi or my car?"
"Hm?" You said confused.
"I didn't want you to think I was trying to kidnap you if I took you to my car?"

"Haha, cute. Christian, I'm not 12. And car is fine. I trust you, maybe..."

"Maybe? Really (Y/N)?"

"Haha, we'll see." As you began walking.

"You're a chill person, you know?"

"Christian you know how many times you've said you know already?"

"Have you been counting?"

"No, but why?"

"Because I want you to know and I want you to never forget that." He said as he winked at you and open the door for you. You giggled and got inside. You were reminded of something when he opened the door.

"(Y/N), was that a giggle I just heard from you?"
"Mmhm. When you opened the door it reminded me of something"
"Of something or somebody?" He said as he raised an eyebrow and turned on his car. You were watching him carefully.

"Both." You said as you saw his facial expression change.
"Oo-oohh" he said as he stuttered.
"My parents" you said as he smiled.
"So I'm like a dad now ?"

More like a daddy.
"Haha, no that's not what I meant. Every time my dad would open the car door for my mom, my mom would always say new car or new woman"


"I don't know, they always used to say that when a guy usually opens the door for somebody, we just think , new car or new woman."

"Well In this case it's a new lady."

You laughed. "Really Christian"

"And not only this time but if you would let me keep seeing you, I would do it every time."

"We'll see about that" you said and winked.

You saw him kind of blush. Christian was sweet, but you didn't know how long this would last. You were confused. He made you confused.

"So what do you do for living?"
"I am a English teacher for an elementary school."
"Ohh, you like children?"
"You don't like children but you work at a school."
"Boy- I love children. Their imagination is amazing!! And you see their development and how they grow but not just in height. But mentally, physically, socially! It just amazes me sometimes!"
"Whoa, that was a lot to take in at once"
"It was? Sorry,"
"No, no, don't apologize. I understood everything. Your passion is teaching and understanding child development. I like that."
"Another thing that Christian likes. What else do you like?"
"I like people that are always passionate. And I see that in you. I like you."

You didn't know what to say. Did he just confess to you? Too soon. Abort mission.

"Okay that didn't come out right."
"So you don't like me?"
"No, no, no, I like you but that was too soon right?"

You nodded.

"Okay, I'm sorry. I'm really interested in you. And what I'm saying is, I want to keep seeing you. You just amaze me every minute. Everything you say makes sense and no one has ever opened up to me before. Or I've never opened up to anyone."

"Christian not opening up to someone. Hmm"

"Well except Dabin. But I meant a girl"

"You know, it seems that girls usually just date you for your looks and or for a one night stand."

"How do you know?"

"The way you talk. You really want to open up to someone. Girls date you because of your looks, and you're very flirty..."

"How am I flirty?"

"You push your hair back every five minutes. Or you just move it around or comb it through your fingers. You bit your lips often. And smile in a let's fuck kind away, more like a kinky smirk. So girls think your easy. And they think you're flirting with them."

"Whoa. You're quite an observer"

"I tend to be. I have study a lot of guys... trust me.."

"And this is all because...?"

"Hm? Trust me. You know how many guys I already swayed?!"

"I can imagine. Keep it like that. Do it when it's right." He said as you were reminded that he already knew.

"Hey instead of an arcade do you want to go to my house and watch movies instead?"

"Whoa. Too soon."

"Too soon for what?.. aish Christian !"

"What! You invited me to your house. You started it."

"No really let's go to the store buy chips, and food. I'll cook for you!"

"You know how to cook?"

"Of course!! What do you want ?"

"Mm. Tacos!!"

"Your in luck because I had a friend who taught me how to make real tacos. Not those kind of tacos that come in a shell."

"Like Taco Bell?"

"Yeah. Do you want real tacos!"

"Of course!!!?!! Who doesn't !!!"

"Haha, I don't know but that's a place I really want to visit."

"Where? Mexico?"

"Mm. Their culture is so beautiful and the food!!"

"Maybe we should plan it.!! And go together!! I like traveling."

"Really? You would go with me?"

"Of course!! If it involves me being with you then yeah!!"

"Christian !!"

"What?? I'm not lying .?!?"



You arrived at the store and you guys began getting the ingredients. You liked Christian. A lot. He made you feel different. He understood you. Very well.

In the store he would act like a little kid. He would touch a lot of things. He tried choosing an apple but as soon as he grabbed one, some fell on the floor. You couldn't help it but laugh. He was embarrassed so you helped him pick the apples.

Next, there was a bag on the floor and he almost slipped. You caught his arm really quick , but he held your waist. At first you were shy, but then he backed away and apologized.

He was walking so close to you that his hands hit yours. And each time he felt your hand he would look away and say something random about whatever he pointed at.

At this point you knew Christian was nervous. At this moment you knew you needed to put on your big girl panties.



You stopped in a middle of an aisle.

"What is it? Do I have something on my face?"

"You do."


"Right Here." You said as you tippy toed and kiss the corner of his mouth. " if you wanted to hold my hand you could've." You said as you were starting to think what the heck  you had just done.

Roller Coaster (Christian Yu)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora