''You're early.'' he said with a smile.

Newt blushed and moved one hand through his hair. ''Uh, yeah. My mom had to go to work, so. Don't worry about me though. I can wait.''

''Oh, no! Don't worry. I can see you right now, I've got no appointment anyway.''

Newt replied with a shy smile, and followed Thomas into the room, nervously pulling on his sleeves. He took a deep breath and tried his best to relax.

''How are you?" Thomas asked when the door closed behind them.

''I'm fine. You?" Newt simply said, taking off his tracksuit and sitting on the table.

''I'm fine, thanks Newt.''

Newt watched Thomas as he read some things on his desk and then approached him with a soft smile, some strands of hair falling on his forehead. He knelt down and looked up to Newt.

''Ready? We're starting with massages so it shouldn't hurt.''

Newt nodded, feeling overwhelmed and surrounded by Thomas' presence. That boy was truly mesmerizing and Newt found himself speechless.
Thomas started to massage the leg, his hands travelling from the calf to the thigh, gently warming the muscles.
The blond boy couldn't take his eyes of Thomas, who seemed really focused and careful, his tongue sometimes between his teeth.
The strands of hair falling on Thomas' face seemed to tingle into his lashes, and Newt couldn't help but shyly reach the hair and pull the strands on the side, where they wouldn't bother him.
Thomas froze for a second at the touch and he looked up at his patient for a second, running his hands up and down his leg, as the massage ended.

''Thanks, love.'' he said, blushing. Newt's cheeks turned pink as well and he didn't respond anything, his lips slightly parting.

Thomas blinked really fast, as if to come to his senses, and asked the blond boy if he was ready for the stretching.

''Actually I... I had a question,'' Newt said, causing the other boy to stand up and sit on the table by his side.

''I don't understand what is the purpose of all the stretching. I mean, my leg still hurts. And I still limp.''

''Oh,'' Thomas said, a soft smile on his face as he turned his body towards Newt. ''Well, the stretching is meant to get the extensibility of your leg muscles back. That way, we get back a better range of motion, and it's not so tense anymore which can cause pain when you walk, obviously. And maybe your limp is due to the pain. Also, a well-stretched muscle allows a better muscular power. And, stretching also allows to get rid of extra lactic acid, so. That's important. It may seem useless but trust me... In the end, the pain will be gone. We just need to get your muscles to support the work without complaining.'' Thomas said, always smiling and talking slowly, so Newt could understand everything. He saw Newt nod and also watched closely at his features for the first time. The boy was gorgeous, flawless.

''Thanks, Tommy.''

Newt froze when he realized how he had called Thomas and was about to apologize when Thomas put his hand on top of his. They both smiled at each other. 

They got back to work, Newt gritting his teeth at the pain and Thomas frowning everytime he heard Newt moan because of the painful exercises. He mentally slapped himself for not being gentle enough. An angel like Newt didn't deserve such pain.
Two hours later, they were done and Newt was exhausted. When he got up from the table, his leg unexpectedly hurt and he fell on the floor with a short yell of pain -- and surprise.

''Oh my god, Newt are you okay?!" Thomas said in a hurry, rushing towards Newt and kneeling down.

Newt frowned and nodded, flustered and embarassed about what happened.
Thomas stared at him and was so concerned that it took him a minute to react and wrap an arm around Newt's waist. He helped him get up and sat him down on the table.

''Does it hurt?"

''No, I..." he winced when Thomas touched his knee. ''Shit.''

''Oh my god, love. Okay um... I'm gonna put some cream on your knee alright? And a bandage. I want to stabilise it so we take no chances to hurt yourself more.''

Thomas softly put some cream on Newt's knee, barely touching the skin so he wouldn't hurt him. As for Newt, watching Thomas take care of the bandage calmed him down and his breathing soon slowed down too.
When they were done, Thomas walked Newt at the door and was surprised when he didn't see his mother in the hallway.

''Your mom isn't here?" he said, an arm around Newt's waist.

''No, not today. I'll have to take the bus.''

''Absolutely not,'' Thomas said, causing Newt to cock a brow. ''I'm gonna drive you home.''

Newt tried to refuse, because he didn't want to bother Thomas, but the boy wouldn't want to hear anything and walked him to his car, helping him slump into the passenger seat.
The ride went well and quietly, the only sound coming from the radio, but it wasn't even loud. Newt couldn't slow down his heartbeat as he glanced discreetly at Thomas, focused behind the wheel. What Newt didn't know was that Thomas felt exactly the same way.

When they arrived at the house, Thomas quickly got out of the car and opened the door for the other boy, wrapping his arm around him again. He helped him walk to the door, and Newt loved every second of it despite the fact that his leg hurt. Having Thomas so close of him, holding him, was worth it.

Thomas let go of the thin body of Newt only when they got to the door, and smiled at the boy.

''Be careful, okay? Don't force on your leg for tonight and if anything feels wrong please call the hospital immediately."

Newt giggled and looked into Thomas' shiny eyes. ''Okay, I will."

They both stared at each other for a while and for the first time, Newt noticed he was a little bit taller than Thomas, which made him blush a little and smile from ear to ear as he felt Thomas take his hand into his.

''You should get inside, it's cold out here. Don't want you to get sick," he said with a soft smile. Newt nodded and squeezed Thomas' hand.

Thomas brought Newt's hand to his lips and, still looking into Newt's eyes, dropped a kiss on his knuckles.

''See you tomorrow, Newt." he said, and walked back to his car, smiling from ear to ear.

❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁
nda : hello everyone! so I just wanted to say that I don't know a lot about physiotherapy but I tried my best with the stretching explanation! This chapter probably has lots of typos I'm so sorry but i'm really tired. I'm so excited for the next chapter cause we'll see what's going on on Thomas's side more! I love y'all ! Take care💖

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