
601 22 8

Fierce Azel Carter

I woke up to a bright ass light all in my face

"She's up" I hear someone whisper

I look over and see Cari, Zay, Dredo and Drew looking at me

"Why am I in here!?" I ask panicking

"Chill. You passed out. They had to check you out" Cari says walking up to me

"Where's my sister ?" I ask them

"Um" Drew starts but Zay gives him a death glare

"Where's she at!" I yell

"They haven't told us her condition yet" Zay mumbles

"What?" I ask

"They haven't told us her—" Drew repeats but I stop him

"Where's my daddy?" I ask

"In the waiting room" Cari answers

"Go get him" I say

She walks out and Drew starts talking to me

"Oh. We threw that lightskin nigga that was tied up in your room out the window" he tells me

I chuckle and nod

"Azel" I hear my dad from the doorway

"I'm so sorry. I didn't know. I got set up and Miracle was there and" I broke down crying as he took me in his arms and hugged me

"It's ok baby. You are both gonna be okay" he says trying to calm me down

"Who gave you permission to have a party?" He asks getting all dadly

"Keisha told me that we could have a party in the lake house and she set it up" I say playing with my fingernails

He nods and looks at me

"So you know you killed 8 people right ?" He asks

"Um when?" I ask looking confused

I know for a damn fact I ain't kill no 8 people. Puuhhleaseee

"The car that the person that shot Miracle was in got shot up. All 8 people died. YOU shot that car" he says looking at me

Oh shit.

"Watch your mouth while we in this hospital" he laughs

"I said that out loud?" I ask more to myself than him

The door opens and Keisha steps in "Honey they cleared—" she stops once she sees me up

"YOU! Your the reason my baby's like this!" She yells at me

"I tried to save her! I tried!" I yell

"You need to go back with your no good mama" She yells walking closer to me as my dad says for us to stop

"My 'no good mama' will slide your ugly ass. Keep playing tramp" I yell trying to stand up putting hand quotations around no good mama

"Fuck you ugly ass big lip ass lil girl!" She yells as my dad gets closer to her

"No fuck you hoe ! You ain't shit and you'll never be shit! You think you special cause he wifed your ass? You just a no good side chick that made it!" I yell as I pulls the IV out my arm and grab my bag

"Bitch—" she starts but gets get off by Cari running in and throwing a chair at her missing her by a few inches

"I got your bitch right here!" Cari yells as she's being held back by Zay while my dad hold Keisha back

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