The Sheep

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The presence of the sheep spirit animal offers ways to get in touch with the innocence and vulnerability in you. In the realm of spirit animals whether it's in dreams or in physical reality, when you encounter a sheep , it usually represents an innocent, child-like aspect of yourself. Sheep spirit animals could also symbolize a tendency or desire to conform to social norms.

What is the meaning of the sheep spirit animal?
The symbolism of the sheep generally means:

Sheep spirit animals represent an innocent aspect of yourself; your childhood, child-like qualities characterized by innocence, gentleness
Vulnerability with a negative meaning, weakness, vulnerability that could turn into powerlessness
Vulnerability with a positive meaning: Self-acceptance, ability to respect your own limits
A common meaning for the sheep totem is a part of yourself that tends to conform to social norms or family values.
The sheep can symbolize a vulnerable part of you that is associated with positive or negative meanings depending on the overall feeling at the time of the encounter with your spirit animal.

Sheep spirit animals as expression of innocence
The sheep spirit animal has strong bonds to innocence. The presence of this power animal may express a longing to have more innocent, child-like qualities in our life. It could also call on memories of situations or events where we felt innocent, when we or life had qualities of gentleness, and inspire you to bring more of these qualities in your present life.

The sheep spirit animal, symbol of vulnerability
When your spirit animal shows up in the shape of a sheep, it may point out feelings of vulnerability you're experiencing in your waking life. If the tone of the encounter is tinted with despair or fear, especially if it's in a dream, the presence of the sheep suggests that you're overwhelmed by feeling vulnerable and powerless facing a difficult situation.

There's also a positive side of the presence of this power animal that sheds a brighter light on what vulnerability means. The presence of the sheep could mean that you are getting in touch with a softer part of yourself, vulnerable in a positive way as open, available to feeling in a gentle, innocent manner.

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