Black and White - Chapter 3 (MJJ Imagine No. 14 for Helena in Sweden)

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Michael is lying on you, his chest rising and falling in rhythm with yours, as you both lay there completely sated.  His hands are still locked with yours over your head.  You know he’s still feeling it because every few seconds his hands stiffen and squeeze yours at the same time he rocks his pelvis against you.  As slight as his movement is, he’s keeping a smile on your face.  You feel him begin to nuzzle your neck a little and then he lets go of your hands.  He slips his arms under you and rolls over onto his back taking you with him.  He hugs you.

“Thank you, Sweetheart.”  He loosens his hold on you and you slide off him and cuddle up to him with your head on his shoulder and your hand on his chest.  You lazily begin drawing three letters with your finger on his chest.  It takes him a few minutes before he realizes what you’re doing.  “POH?” he asks.  “What’s that?”

You lift your head and look at him.  “Property of Helena,” you tell him then give him a kiss.  “Your body is all mine.”  He starts laughing, takes your hand and brings it up to his mouth.  He places a kiss on your fingers.

“Property of Helena,” he says while chuckling.  “I really like it.”  He lifts his head a little to look down at himself.  He runs his hand along the inside of his thigh then stops just below his manhood.  He looks at the spot he’s rubbing and sees a purplish mark.  He then runs his hand across his abdomen and finds a similar spot just above his manhood.  He chuckles.  And then he brings his hand up to the side of his neck, about half way up just a little off to the back.  “I really did become your property this time.  You marked me in triplicate.  I can’t believe you gave me a hickey on my neck.”

You laugh.  “Now you’ll have to wear your hair down and you’ll have to wait until it clears up before you talk to your fans.”

“Did you just manipulate me?”

“Me?  Manipulate you while making love to you?”

“Yes, you, my love.”

“Mikey, I would never do such a thing to you,” you innocently say while batting your eyes at him.  He laughs.

“You’re really okay with the way I look right now?”

“I am.  I was hoping I just proved that to you over the last couple of hours.”

“You did.  I don’t know why I needed you to prove it.  I don’t know why I didn’t believe what you were telling me.”

“You received quite the shock when you looked in the mirror this morning.  I understand that.  I still think you should make a statement so your fans aren’t shocked but I really don’t feel now is the time.  You need to take time for yourself right now so you can adjust to what happened overnight.  The only reason I asked you to get it officially diagnosed is so we can find out why this happened to you like this if it hasn’t happened to this extent with your aunts and uncles.  And I think you need it documented for the truth.”

He brings his hand up to your face and gently caresses your cheek.  “I don’t know what I’d be doing right now without you here.  I don’t know if I could handle this without you.  I love you.”

He kisses you then you lay your head back down on his shoulder.  You draw “POH” one more time on his chest with your finger then close your eyes.  You hear him quietly chuckle as he places a kiss on the top of your head.  He holds you with both arms around you and closes his eyes as well, content with the knowledge that you really don’t have an issue with his white body covered in coffee colored spots.

Even though it’s only a little before eight, the rollercoaster of emotions from today followed by slowly making love and then making love again with a little hint of spice, lulls you both into a deep sleep.

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