Beca loved Taylor Swift, because Anna was obsessed with her music, and anything that made her daughter happy, made Beca happy. She liked Ariana Grande too, because she was short and tiny like Beca was.

Her favorite artist at Capitol by far though, was Hailee Steinfeld. Had Beca not known any better, she would've sworn that Hailee and Emily Junk were the same person.

Emily Junk was a legacy that had come to the Bellas during Beca's senior year along with a girl named Florencia Fuentes, a foreign exchange student from Guatamala. Over the course of Beca's final year, Beca and Emily became super close.

The girls looked like they could actually be related and Beca and Chloe both loved the dork like she was their own little aca-child, even though at 5'8" she towered over both of her aca-moms. Chloe was only 5 foot 4 inches, and Beca was 2 inches shorter than Chloe.

Beca was the one who actually helped Emily break into the music industry, having been the producer of her hit single "Flashlight" that went on to become a triple platinum song. Their solid relationship extended past just professional musical similarities, though, Emily being a frequent babysitter of Anna and Brittany. Emily was even one of Anna and Brittany's Godmothers (the other one, obviously being Aubrey).

Chloe didn't really need to work. Beca's highly successful career made them more than enough money, but Chloe found that unemployment was terrible. She needed human contact to survive. She instead channeled all of her energy into doing what she loved the most... music.

Chloe had gotten a part time job as vocal performance music instructor at a K-12 private school, but on Saturdays, she got to do what she really enjoyed, which is teaching singing lessons to underprivileged kids.

With the help of the music foundation she co-owned with Beca, she launched a community outreach program where once a week at 8:00AM a driver that Beca hired would pick up about 2 dozen children that lived in poor neighborhoods in the rougher areas of town to a fairly large sized, streamline style house that Beca and Chloe had purchased when they first moved to California.

Once they had kids, Beca and Chloe moved to a much larger, fenced in neighborhood, but they decided to keep their original place for prosperities sake. It was a good thing they did too, because they used the location as the home base for their community program to hold music lessons for the kids.

Beca converted the top floor of the 3-story house, where the master bedroom was located, into a music studio and let Chloe's program take over the rest of the house. Chloe spared no expenses when it came to renovating the rest of the house. Everyone knew that the 3rd floor was off limits, but that they could go anywhere else they wanted. That included the game room, the entertainment den, the schoolroom, and the large pool in the backyard.

The kids were allowed to stay there until the program closed at 6:30PM. Nobody forced them to stay, but it was a warm, safe place they could be and they were guaranteed 2-3 hot, nutritious meals that they were able to have a part in making. In addition, Chloe frequently took the kids out to the store to teach them how to shop and provide them with things they needed.

The foundation covered enough scholarships for 22 children, but they were looking to expand to a bigger location to accommodate more kids. Once they expanded, Chloe wanted to open the house up for a few hours every day after school, as well. When it finally happened, they would hire some actual paid staff, and Chloe would quit her part time job, and focus on the growth of the foundation.

Right now though, 22 kids was more than enough for Chloe to handle. Thankfully, they had some wonderful volunteers that came in to help out, and Chloe had some awesome teacher friends that would come in and do fun projects with the kids and teach them some other topics things too.

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