Chapter 9

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The girls decided to sit by the pool to enjoy their picnic lunch, so they switched directions and headed down towards the lower terrace. Or rather, Beca made a beeline for the umbrellas, chairs and tables that were there by the pool, dragging Chloe behind her and refused to move once she sat down.

"I'm pale. I don't do the sun," Beca cited as her reasoning. "I also don't do water. You could fall in, if you're not careful, and I can't walk anywhere without tripping. Plus, I don't think they want us eating in the middle of the path."

"Technically there isn't supposed to be any food in here in the first place, but I could basically get away with murder here," Chloe boasted proudly.

"I don't think murdering someone in a Zen garden would be very smart thing to do," Beca said smirking. "It might not bring good Karma for you, Beale."

"Oh hush. Bringing you here is going to give me thousands of Karma points if it means you're nicer to people. Or at least stop antagonizing Bree during practice."

"There's absolutely no chance of that happening, but I can try and be more tolerable towards the general population. No promises though," Beca compromised, as she munched on a Turkey Pesto wrap that she had picked all the lettuce, onion and tomato off of. "Aubrey graduated anyways, why is she always at practice? And while we're on that matter, why does she still have a room in the Bellas house?"

"Being in grad school is tough on a person. The Bellas house is on campus and we have plenty of room." Chloe replied, stealing a potato chip from Beca's bag.

"Back off dude. You have your own, so quit eating mine," Beca scolded. "Here, you can have this instead," Beca proposed, as she handed over her discarded sandwich toppings.

"But I like yours better," Chloe said innocently, grabbing the food from Beca's outstretched hands and popping them in her mouth.

"They're the same kind," stated Beca bluntly.

"Why do you get that stuff anyways, since you never eat it? You know that you can get it without that stuff, right?"

"I get it cuz you like them," Beca responded sheepishly. "But seriously, like, it's whatever. Don't make a big deal about it," she added, when Chloe let out a soft "awwww."

Chloe nodded, returning to her Peanut Butter and Strawberry Jam sandwich.

She grabbed her bottle of Dr. Pepper and took a big long drink. After she burped—a bit too loudly for being in a garden designed for relaxation and meditation, she continued. "Anyways, lets get back to what the really important issue here is. What if I decide I want my own room someday? The only reason we have an extra room is because you decided to move into mine."

"Tough cookies Mitchell," Chloe said teasingly as she gulped the last of her milk and looked around apologetically at everyone who had turned to look at the two girls. "Even if you moved to L.A. I'd still live with you. You need someone to make sure you don't die. Face it. You couldn't get rid of me if you tried to babe. You're stuck with me for the rest of your life."

"Ugh. Fine," Beca relented. "She can stay."

"She's not a stray dog we picked up off the side of the street, Rebeca. She's a Bella for life. We can't just kick her out, and besides, she was a Bella before you were."

"Only because her parents decided to have unprotected sex before mine did," retorted Beca jokingly. "Why couldn't they have kept it in their pants?"

"Hey, that's my best friend you're talking about. Watch it," Chloe warned.

"Wait. I thought I was your best friend," Beca said, in a slightly jealous tone.

"You two are different. Bree is like my sister. You're just... different."

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