Chapter 6 - Not so Daily Routine

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Read: I don't know if Underaged people are reading my book, but it's a fair amount of profanity (cursing) ahead, so yeah, just wanted to warn you.

"Alex!!!!!!" *Smack*


"Haha, this is always the fun part of waking you up sis."

*Smack* *Smack* *Smack*

"Whaaaaaaaaaaaaat? And stop slapping me in the face twerp." Jesus this kid is a nuisance in my dreams, and real life.

"You have to get up, breakfast is ready!" He says, while giggling like a hyena.

I get up causing my little brother to roll off of me, and onto the floor on top of his head.

If I wasn't so sleepy, I'd make fun of him, and laugh.

I walk into my personal bathroom, and brush my teeth with my eyes closed. Then wash my face with my eyes closed. Grab, my Silver chain, and necklace set with my eyes closed. Then I thank the maid making my bed, her insisting "it's ok, I get paid to do this, go get some breakfast" with my eyes closed.

I walk down the 3 flights of stairs, and sit at the table...WAIT!? Where the hell am I? My eyes finally snap open, the thought taking a minute to process. Ohhhh, I live with my dad now...

I then look over to a yelling couple walking into the room from outside. It's Joel, and -Noah-Micheal? Which one is his real name?

Since breakfast isn't ready yet, and my brother lied. I listen in on their conversation with nothing else better to do.

"Hey, so this party for your sisters, and brothers arrival is a really good idea. They'll meet new people, get more comfortable, and they'll definitely like the attention, and thought behind it."

'HEY!' I think to myself.

"Yea, I just hope she likes it." She says as she types something on her phone screen.

Hmmm, since when has -Hoel- Joel care about what I think?...I wonder if it's an act or not? Maybe she's changed her ways. I continue staring at them wondering when they'll notice I'm sitting in the room listening to their whole conversation.

"And, I'm sorry about last night. I didn't mean what I said..." Wait?! So that couple outside of my window yelling last night, was them?!

"It's okay, you know I can't stay mad at you." She says as she continues tapping her screen. What is she sending, a paragraph?

Tired of being ignored, and trying not to get caught listening to a flirty, nasty conversation. I cough to signal my presence because clearly, they weren't going to find out themselves.

Both of their heads snap in my direction, but before my Step sister says anything she gets a phone call.

"Sorry, I have to take this. You two be good, and get to know each other!" She says, almost happy she can escape.

I casually stare at a fork. Dang, she just left him to the sharks.

"Sorry about that... she's gonna be gone for a while, and Oh-uh, hi, and sorry about yesterday." Micheal/ Noah says as he scratches his head as he walks over to me.

He gives me a side glance then coughs out of awkwardness of me not responding.

"Uh....ok. Well, um...thanks?" It comes out more as a question then a awnser.

"Btw, my real name is Micheal." He sticks his hand out at me.

I stare at it still suspicious of yesterday's after effects of taking it.

Exactly How Many Are Too Much?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora