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It was the middle of the night when most of the workers of CGS were finally allowed to rest in their little beddings, some still needing to be up to be on guard duty for the base. Always working hard everyday, it was easy for these boys and men to practically collapse into a heap where they sleep. Which is why it wasn't too hard to find out where the little spies slept, especially with the hidden cameras. Granted, it'll still be difficult to kill them considering a certain number of boys all sleep in one room on bunk beds and hammocks. One pro to that was they all slept in a far corner, towards the back on the left when you first walk into the room. They were smart, they all slept together to better snuff out any threats against them. More than likely, they also had one or two of them awake, eyes being closed is nothing but a false sense of security to the threat. Still, the triplets had to get rid of them. They were a threat and threats have to be eliminated.

After driving a busted car they had stolen behind a few giant boulders a few miles from the CGS base, they had to come up with a plan that would draw all the scouts away from the rest of the CGS guys. Who knows what they'd do if they see their fellow "brothers" being attacked? So, the best plan they could come up with on such short notice, was to have one of the siblings be seen by one or more of the moles, as if sneaking onto the base to see their uncle. Once that happens, however many are left will be contacted by the others and so the chase will begin. The plan is definitely half-assed, but they need to do this quickly before anything else happens. With that in mind, they all hopped out the vehicle and began heading stealthily towards their destination.

The trio stopped and hid behind an empty building when they made it to the base, until most of CGS was cleared of its stragglers during the night, leaving only a very few number of guards around the place. Jamal had spotted one of the moles and began slowly making his way to the building where Nadi usually works, which is diagonal to the building they all hid behind. Once he was sure he'd been seen by the mole, he began walking fast, past the building and turning the corner before pressing his back against the wall. He waited until he heard the foot steps closing in more before coming out and quickly wrapping arms around the spies neck, dragging him deeper beside the building to not be seen or heard. The spy clearly struggled, trying his hardest to push Jamal against the wall behind them to knock the air out of him, with no success. The agent only continued to get weaker from loss of oxygen, until he lay limp in Jamal's arms. What he didn't count on though, was one of the other scouts seeing what had happened and sneaking up behind Jamal with his gun pressed at his back, causing him to bring his hands up in a surrender, dropping the unconscious body, "And here we were, doubtful that you or your siblings would reside on this pathetic planet." Jamal stood still with his hands up, making no move to defend himself. The spy glances down at his fallen comrade with little care, "I won't be as easy to deal with as he was. I'm not as weak as him," he presses the gun harder against his back, "What? No talk from the noisy one?," the spy taunts. Jamal's eye twitches at being compared to his more annoying counterpart. The spy frowns, "Now where are the other two? You know she's missed you all dearly," he finishes with a malicious grin.

The secret agent pressed the earpiece he was given for this mission and began talking into it, "I found one of them beside the building where their "uncle" works. He's already taken one of us out. Come quickly and quietly. If we alert the rest of the people here, it'll cause too much of an uproar that we can't risk. Keep an eye out for the other two, they wouldn't stray too far from each other." Just as soon as he took his finger off his earpiece, did Jabari come up from behind that agent and hit him hard enough upside the head with his bare fist that he crumbled to the floor immediately. "I still fail to see as to why I was the bait," Jamal said while his brother stared down at the now unconscious agent. "Beggars can't be choosers," Jabari shrugged off. Now all they had to do was wait for the last three to come their way. The two brothers began to move the two bodies so they couldn't be seen easily. They didn't have to wait long as they began to hear different sets of footsteps coming their way. Both brothers looked at each other and nodded, getting into position for an ambush. Once the steps were close enough, they both snagged the unsuspecting moles and quietly put them out with a good ol choke hold while trying to keep their sounds of struggle down to a minimum. "Wait, where's the last one?," asked Jamal peaking around the corner of the building to see if one was hiding. "Maybe he's coming a little later to the party?," Jabari surmised. "Or maybe he's just dead," Jakai'a said, coming from around the other corner of the building, dragging the last body behind her with some difficulty, "I caught him trying to come around this way with a tranquilizer gun. He probably wanted to be sure it wasn't a trap." She huffs as she finishes dragging the corpse over to her brothers.

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