Chapter 2

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Legolas woke up at the crack of dawn like he did every morning.  He glanced out of his window as he got dressed in his traveling clothes.  Good, the weather seemed perfect for a hunting trip.  Ah, Rivendell.. Mornings were so beautiful here. 

The young prince knelt on the ground next to his pack and made sure he had everything he would need for the trip.  Bow and arrows.. Extra arrows.  Even more extra arrows, his knives, extra lembas.. As he finished going through everything and deemed it ready to go, he headed down to the dining hall for breakfast. 


It was late morning when Legolas and the twins were finally ready to leave.  They bid Elrond goodbye, and after assuring him they would all return in one piece, left.  Elrond still felt uneasy as they walked into the forest though, even after their assurances.  He had no doubt that if something went wrong, the twins would protect Legolas, but what if they got injured- or worse- in the process?

Elrond sighed as he turned around and walked back inside.  They would be fine.  They were all great warriors, even young Legolas.  Growing up in the darkness of Mirkwood had done that to him...

If he was so sure they would be fine, then why did a horrible feeling tug at him?

"My Lord, are you alright?" Elrond's faithful adviser and friend- Saeldir - asked. 

The Lord of Imladris shook his head and started pacing.  "My dear Saeldir, I have a bad feeling about them leaving, though they will only be gone for one day.."

Saeldir looked at the forest in front of them.  "Perhaps your feeling is correct.. Would you like for me to call them back?"

Elrond pondered on this.  Calling them back would ease his worries, but they had been looking so forward to this trip.  And besides, what if that's all these feelings were - worry.  T made sense to be worried when orcs were spotted not too far away. But then again, he had the gift of foresight.. What if this was more than just worry?

"No," the elven lord said at last.  "Let them be." He just hoped and prayed to the Valor that they would be safe.


Legolas was looking around excitedly as he and the twins walked deeper into the forest, where they would hopefully find more game. Legolas' bow was slung over his shoulder, along with his quiver full of arrows, and his pack.

"It's strange," Elrohir said as they continued to walk. "The forest isn't usually so.. quiet.."

He was right. Not even the call of a bird could be heard. They hadn't even spotted a rabbit, which Legolas was sure they should have by now. It was strange in deed...

Elladan shook his head. "I wouldn't worry about it. I'm sure we will run into something soon.  If we're lucky, maybe even a white tailed deer."

Legolas nodded, keeping his eye out for any sign of wildlife. The young prince wasn't sure why, but he had a bad feeling..He just couldn't place what it was about..

Elrohir glanced at Legolas, seeming to notice his slightly troubled expression.

"What is it mellon-nin? Is something wrong?" the eldest twin asked.

Legolas was silent for a moment, just looking ahead, before turning to Elladan with a slightly surprised expression.

"What? No. Why would something be wrong?"

The prince didn't want to worry the twins over what could be a misplaced concern.  Besides...His bad feeling was probably because of what Elrond said about the orcs.  Which, of course, they were going to avoid at all costs. None of the three young elves wanted to make Elrond angry by coming home in several pieces... It had happened many times before and wasn't a pretty or friendly sight...

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