A dance for two

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Right after school, Reiji asked Chieko to meet him at the cafe they usually hang out at. He waited for about five minutes and not long she walks in. She asked why she wanted to him to meet up with her. Instead of answering her question, he takes her hand and guides her outside and into the limousine.

Being the gentleman he is, he opens the door for her. As he enters with he, he asked the familiar to drive to the destination he instructed.

The movement of the limo started cause Chieko to fall on Reiji. Their faces her so close that their noses were touching. Their breaths were lighting touching each other's soft skin. So close that their lips were just a bit apart from each other. Reiji wanted this. He wanted his lips to meet with hers.

Sadly, it didn't happened. They moved away from each other and not noticing their blushing mess.

Finally the limousine has arrived at the destination. Reiji exits out first and helps Chiek out.

They were in front of a beautiful, white building. The sides had carving of what looks like out of greek structure. The top of the entrance had a beautiful carvings of plants; roses, lilies, and daisies. And in the entrance is a clean red carpet.

"R-Reiji. This is beautiful." tears were exposed from Chieko's eyes.

He took out a handkerchief and gently wipe away her eyes, "I know it is, so please no tears."

He held out his arm out for her to take which she gladly accept. They entered into a ballroom filled with gold and silver decorations. People were in elegant and expensive dresses and tuxedos. Chieko felt out of place that she was in her school uniform. A hand was place on her shoulder and she was out of her thought of being elegant and fitting in the rest. A smile was on Reiji face. Not a fake one, a really genuine smile and she was the first to see it in a long time. Reiji told her that she looked beautiful without any expensive dress that the other women were wearing. Red was appearing on her cheeks and a big smile filled with joy.

Reiji took Chieko into the dance floor and begins to dance with her. Her hand on his shoulder, his hand on her waist and one holding each other. He leads her into the music and follows his lead. They dance with grace and beauty. H e did some twirls and dips. What really surprised him was that he laughed, He actually let out a small, enjoyable laugh.

   He lets go of her hand rest it on her waist as her hands snake around his neck. Their dance began to be slow in movement. Looking in each other's eyes and being lost. No one was around except them. Reiji puts his hand on her cheek and leans his forehead onto hers. Closing their eyes and relishing their moment of peace and presence of each other. 

  Finally having the courage he needs, he places his lips with her's. Their lips fit perfectly and move in sink with each other. 

"Be mine, Chieko." Reiji whispers. 

"Of course." Chieko softly replies. 

   Again their lips met with each other. 

   Finally did it. He took his brother's advice and went for it. Chieko Noguchi was finally his, forever maybe. 

You think this is the end don't you ? Well don't worry its not. Just wait and see what happens next and I promise things are going to get more exciting and intense!

My Proper Lady (Reiji x OC) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon