Chapter 2- 6 grade

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I'm now 11 and in middle school. We are now growing up. I got my ears pierced and so did Carly. We did it over the summer. She wore the gold color hearts and I wore my blue ones. We wanted matching shapes like a bff charm. I had my new backpack which had these cat ears at the flap and this gold lunar crest (Sailor moon Luna). I wore these new black jeans and this shirt that had my favorite band on it, Metallica. My dad got me into rock and metal and I kinda like it but I also like pop. I walk inside only to see a crowd of other people. It kinda looked like a maze but during open house I managed to remember where my classes were. Carly and I have the same home room which made me squeal with joy. I smiled as I walked into the room. There I could see Carly sitting down playing with an eraser. I quickly walked over to her and sat down.

"Hey Carly you ready for a new day." She looked up and gasped when she saw me.
"Ashly!" She hugged me and I hugged back.
"I'm sad you don't ride the same bus as me anymore." I said placing my bag on the floor.
"I know, but we can still walk to each other's house, Just the neighborhood over."
"You are right. I think I found a path to cut through to your house." I said leaning to her.
"Really you should show me after school."

"Ahh-ugh!!" Carly and I turned our heads to see a girl on the floor and her notebook and papers out of her bag. Carly and I got up to help her. We bent down and started to pick up her things when I noticed a sailor moon notebook.
"Hey you like sailor moon too." I said while looking at her. Carly noticed it too.
"Cool we both like it. Maybe we can watch an episode together some time." Carly suggested and handed her binder.
"I-oh-um Thank you for-um the help." We both took her hands and helped her up.

"Y-you didn't need t-to." She held on to the straps of the bag. She had the scent of orchids. I could tell she was a delta. She had this brown hair with circle glasses and had a sky blue skirt that went a little past the knee. She also had this newspaper patter type shirt as a design.
"Yes we do. It's better to help people then sit there and watch." Carly said with her hands on her hips and a finger pointing up like as she was making a point.
"Do you want to hang out with us." I said. Stepped closer to Carly indicating that I meant the both of us.

"A-are you sure?" She had two different colors of eyes. The top was blue and the bottom was a slight shade of purple which was kinda weird.
"Totally." We took her by the arms and made her sit with us. We decided to talk about sailor moon and other anime's that popped up. She told us her name was Jasmine. Her skin was tan and she keep on stuttering. She also played with her hair twirling it around her finger.

The bell rung making us all get up and walk to our classes. I didn't get any classes with Carly which I was sad. But I did have a class with her in P.E. Same with Jasmine. In P.E we have to change and I noticed all the girls were wearing training bras like me. Made me think that Carly and I wasn't the only ones. P.E. Was also our last class which sucked cause you have to go home all sweaty, but I guess it was better then going around school all sweaty.

The day went by fast and I was kinda sad. I rode the bus alone and walked home. I kicked a pebble on the way there and I slowly stepped up the porch stairs as opened the door. I tossed my bag to the side onto the couch and fell onto it, face first. Honesty today was boring and fun. I got to make a new friend and I don't have any classes with jasmine and Carly that would seem like fun. Don't get me wrong P.E can be fun but when you have to actually exercise it's not. My dad walked in and sat on the couch.

I lifted my head up blowing my hair out of my face as the couch pressed on my chin. I could see my dads leg.
"How was school." I rolled over to my back and rest my head on his leg. He started to stroke my hair like he always does making me feel comfortable and safe.
"It was okay." He raised an eyebrow at me.
"Yeah...I made a new friend as well. Her name is jasmine and she is a delta. She is really nice and loves anime like Carly and me. The only sad part about my dad is that I only have one class with the two and it's P.E." I lifted my arms up and then crossed them when saying P.E.

My other dad walked in.
"You made a new friend!"
"Yes daddy I did her name is jasmine."
"Oh good you can tell me at dinner and while you wait for dinner bring me any papers that I need to sign and clean you room." I sighed.
"Okay." I sat up walking upstairs while grabbing my bag dragging it up.

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