Chapter II

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Ivril and Regal rushed out of the bar. They followed the rapid stream of thudding boots and sure steps to safety. Outside was no different. Everyone abandoned what they were doing as they poured out of shelter.

Regal anxiously looked about. The forest surrounding the village ominously moved as one with the quake, like a marching army headed for war. Then, his eyes caught the blood elf beside him. Ivril was shaking his head then nodding in succession. His dark brow furrowed, only to untangle right after. Regal frowned when he remembered Ivril's previous words. Surely, how can any mortal cause the ground to quake?

Regardless, the two moved with the flow of the crowd, heading south east of the town. Regal was still confused, where was the avalanche?

Ivril patted his shoulder. "I'll talk to you later, see ya!" He took off without waiting for Regal's reply, leaving the latter in stunned silence. As he watched Ivril disappear against the flow of crowd, his eyes finally drifted up where it did not before, catching a sight that made his breath get caught in his throat.

An opaque, white rain was falling over him. It began to cover the sun, casting great shadow down the small settlement. Night descended in this supposedly six months of continuous sunlight. Regal's heart sank in despair. However, he grit his teeth and followed Ivril. He was not going home without completing his mission.

As he took further steps, the rush of figures began to thin out, leaving him alone in a ghost town. The mass of white colored his vision black. Regal walked blindly with forlorn heart in search of Ivril. Why Regal did not ran like the rest and faced doom instead, he did not know himself. Instead, he just ran, because by this time, his life was on the line.

Slowly at first, Regal felt crisp coldness creep on his face, to his neck, reaching down his back as the powdered ice found its way through the crevices of his regal clothes. Weight slowly piled over his head and shoulders. Moments later, he could not even walk through the waist high snow while battling cold futily. With eyes closed and lashes lidded in white powder, his purpling lips quivered to uncharacteristic smirk, a smile he never thought he would ever make, escaped in face of imminent death.

'A gentle death, it is. Who knew it was worse than a sword's?'


"Lily? STOP!" Ivril shouted at the top of his lungs. He faced the endless land outside the Yulid forest. The land was still barren, but the previous dunes were gone. It migrated south in an elegant arching swirl, a graceful death bringer towards the nearest settlement. A bridge of swirling snow reached out towards the small village of Yulid. "Stop being unreasonable!"

The great arc quivered slightly, but continued uninterrupted. Vein seemed to pop out of Ivril's forehead in frustration. "Don't you know you're burying the damned supplies?" The statement froze the swirl, then speedily reveresed back. Soon enough, a new mountain was made in less than a minute as desert of snow gathered under a single point.

Ivril sighed with relief. He sprinted to the freshly made mountain's foot. A figure sat with a twig in her hand. Her long dark hair draped contrastingly to the glaring snow. She was drawing a flower on the snow with surprising detail. Her little stick did not sketched lines, but dug out snow. The uneven depth created shadows, made aestistically to outline the flower of her namesake, a lily.

Ivril stood behind her, watching as the young girl expanded her work from a single flower on the ground to a blossoming field on the base of the snow mountain. It was a surreal sight, mere snow becoming a priceless work of art. The image told of her dream. To see what she considered the epitome of life, flowers.

After the last chisel of her fragile twig, she regarded Ivril. She looked so small, surrounded by her fictitious dream with pleading eyes. "Please, take me with you."

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