A diary format

433 15 6

(Lucas's POV)

Wednesday, September 13th

Hello again, Diary! It's been a while. I've got an update. So, today was the first day of that extra class I took. The vocal one. There was this boy that has a kind of familiar face, his name is Ness. I couldn't stop looking at him for some reason! Ughhh. He was kind of mean. He asked me if I could 'even read sheet music' in like... a really sassy tone! What the heck! I don't like him.

Wednesday, September 20th

Update. Ness is REALLY good at singing. And he's really hot. Why is he so hot? It's not fair! Why are mean guys so hot?! And talented?! I'm mad. I hate Ness. 

Wednesday, September 27th

Ness is actually pretty nice! He talked to me and he's cool. We talked about music and he likes the same type of music as me! I don't hate him anymore, we're cool.

Wednesday, October 4th

HOLY HECK. I THINK I LIKE NESS. he's so perfect and hot and talented! I found out he can play the piano, guitar, ukulele and the drums AND the trombone! Literally a god. Why did I not see this before. I just have to become his friend now.

Wednesday, October 11th

Me and Ness talked again! He's going to some music convention I think, but I'm not sure. I spaced out staring at his nice face. I pretended to know what he was talking about and pretended to be sad I didn't get tickets. He told me to buy a bootleg or something. I'm so gay, jeez.

Wednesday, October 18th

Ness is REEEEALLY good looking. I'll describe him. He has nice sort of violet tinted eyes, and skin that is lightly tanned. Like chicken skin! Yum. His cheeks are a tiny bit rosy too. His smile is so confident but so insecure at the same time and I love it. His voice is all warm and inviting. He's shorter than me, though. Everyone is shorter than me so that's okey. Now that I'm thinking about it, he says "okey" a lot. It's kind of weird.

Wednesday, October 25th

I overheard Ness say he hates himself today in class. That makes me sad, because he really is amazing and has so much going for him! I'm going to get my music teacher to give him a note for me next week.

Wednesday, December 1st

This is what the note says. "Ness, you are really handsome and funny. You always make the atmosphere lively with the way you play the piano at the beginning of class, sometimes the guitar. You always make my day with your presence, I hope this makes yours."
It's so cheesy. It did make him happy, though! He told some of his friends about it, I saw.

Wednesday, December 8th

We have a winter concert coming up next week! Practising has been fun, since Ness and I are in the same section. The whole class goes and fools around behind the stage curtains sometimes, and that's where me and Ness talk a lot.

Friday, December 22nd

OH MY GOODNESS DIARY YOU WILL NOT BELIEVE WHAT HAPPENED!! Today, me and Ness HELD HANDS. sort of. I got offstage from singing with a group excluding Ness, and had to go on again right after. So I made my way to the left stage wing, and I needed to find the tenors to line up with them. As I look around, Ness and I lock eyes and he holds out his hand and I take it as he leads me to our section! It was so gay and I thought my face was on fire. AAHHHHH!!

Wednesday, January 10th

Hiya there diary, I'm sorry for neglecting you again. A lot of family stuff happened. But, I'm thinking of telling Ness how I feel, even though I'm not sure if he likes guys. If he rejects me, that's okay. Who'd like me anyway?

Wednesday, January 17th

Today was the worst! I asked Ness's friend Jeff if Ness was single, and it turns out he's dating a pretty girl named Paula. I'm not surprised, of course he's taken. Who wouldn't want to date a guy as great as Ness? Not me and not this Paula girl. I feel empty inside...

Wednesday, January 24th

OH MY GOSH!! NESS LIKES GUYS!! And girls too, of course, but that's not important. He's been oddly distant lately, it makes me sad. I think he broke up with that girl, from what I heard. I don't know how to feel!

Wednesday, February 14th

~not entry, Lucas POV~

I walk into the music room today and my eyes are wide as I look around. Ness? Check. Good. I see him talking to other girls in our class, so I decide to take my seat instead. Soon after, Ness takes a seat beside me as opposed to behind me like he usually did. I felt my cheeks grow hot. This is it Lucas, now or never!

"Hey Ness?" I pipe up, taking a deep breath. Ness turns to look at me, responding with a "Hey Lucas, what's up?" that eases my nerves a little, though my heart is in my throat, thrashing around like a wild animal. "I know this is crazy, but um... I really like you. Do you think... you'd consider going out with me? I-I mean I get it if you don't like me because who would, but... yeah." Lucas stutters, looking down at his feet. He tenses up and prepares for rejection. Ness reaches a hand up to Lucas's cheek and turns him to face him, before gently kissing the nervous blond.

Yay our boy has a boyfriend!!

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