Chapter 1: After ThAt Night

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It was beautiful outside, but nothing seemed normal. I mean, the sun was shining, the wind was blowing - not a heavy but a light blow - and birds were chirping; it was a day I would have loved to sit out and tan on. However, instead I sat in an older blue car that an aged woman once drove in. It smelt of mothballs and old woman perfume, but I had no room at this moment to judge, for the simple fact that I had no other option. Mona was a lot of help to me this day - or at least I thought she was.

When I was driving down the road from the Lost Woods Resort I was thinking about where I could stay. I couldn't think of many places but I needed to hide. I was almost killed last night... and I had no place to reside. I couldn't stay in Rosewood - it was just too unsafe. Brookhaven was equally as dangerous. A was everywhere I turned, yet they were nowhere.

While driving I went onto a road that was quite unfamiliar, so I decided to look in the glove apartment for a clue - or just a sign - of where to go. I was lucky enough to find a map in there. Pulling over and turning my engine off, I cautiously looked around. I knew A didn't know where I was - but after last night I was terrified to stop and not think A was right there. Unfolding the map, I started looking for towns close to Rosewood. I wanted to disappear - but not entirely; I didn't want to go too far away. There were a lot of places on the map, but I was familiar with all of them. I was hoping to go for a place I had never even heard about, and I found one. Ravenswood.

I discovered where I was so I could then start my route to Ravenswood. When I got here, I had no clue what I was going to do. I had money, but I needed to not spend too much in order to survive. My secret to getting all this was by scamming people, like Byron, Aria's father, and Hector, from the mask shop.

On my way to Ravenswood I had so many thoughts going through my head. I could no longer go out in public as Alison DiLaurentis anymore; I had to go out as Vivian Darkbloom. I was scared to leave - whoever A is, they clearly want to kill me, and I have not the slightest clue who it could be. I thought I had this all solved. I thought I had gotten rid of A. Clearly, I didn't; I only angered this beast.

I had to leave it all behind; I couldn't turn or even look back. As far as A knows, I'm dead, and I'm in that grave. Like a moth, there is something else fluttering around in my head, annoying me. Why did my mother bury me? Why didn't she stop, even when I started crying and screaming that I was still alive? I stopped and pulled over again. I couldn't stop thinking about it, and the more and more I did, the more I wanted to cry a thousand rivers.

Ravenswood was, and is, a creepy little town. It didn't have the bright bubbly feeling of Rosewood; instead, it was surrounded by a gray, dark aura. I felt a tingle go up my spine driving through. People didn't wave or smile - they just walked around as if they were zombies and this was the first town that had been struck by a plague.

I stopped at a local bar; I desperately needed a drink. I sat down at the counter and remained seated until the waitress approached me.

"What are you having?" the woman asked me with a monotonous tone.

"Board Shorts Ale," I said with a hint of misery in my voice.

I was thinking about Ezra. I missed him; he was such a sweet guy and made me feel great. I lied to him, but he must have never truly liked me if he didn't stay with me. In the background, I heard the TV start playing a news theme. At first, I didn't pay much attention to it.

"Hello. I am Marie Fletcher and this is Pennsylvania News Today. Just as one Sarah Harvey is reported missing, another girl is too. Last seen in Rosewood, a girl named Alison DiLaurentis went missing last night," the reporter stated.

My head automatically shot up towards the TV. If these people were normal they would have wondered why my eyes were seemingly falling out of their sockets.

The reporter kept going. "Late last night, Alison was having a sleepover with four of her friends when they woke up and found her missing. As of right now the police have no clue about Alison's whereabouts or any leads. That's the-"

I looked away from the TV and stared at my beer. That's it. Now everyone thinks I'm missing. In a sense I am but even I don't know where I'm at. All I have to do is stay out of sight and they will still think I'm missing - or even dead. I don't care which one it is but it needs to be done so I know for sure the situation with A is over. I did a very good job at staying hidden too, until a little over a year later.

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