2. Dustin's Dream Girl

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Hello everyone! Thanks for keeping up with my story. It really means a lot to me that y'all are reading it.


One of Dustin's favorite things to do is practicing soccer with his team at City Park. Not only was he doing this, but there was a girl sitting on a bench across the sidewalk doing a really bad job of fake reading. She kept looking up and watching him as he played. Why not have a little fun and try to impress her? He pushed harder and harder and sprinted with the ball and scored an epic goal. After the goal, he stood up and ran his fingers through his hair, and as he did this, he started towards his water bottle which was thankfully in the same direction as the girl on the bench. He looked up at her and saw that she desperately didn't want him to see her watching him. Dustin took a sip of his water bottle and walked over to her...

I forced myself to wake up before the dream could end. I reached over to turn my lamp on, but instead of reaching the lamp, my hand slipped and I fell off the side of my bed hitting the floor flat on my back.

"Why does this keep happening to me?" I say aloud. I get up and walk towards my window opening my curtains forgetting about the lamp. There she is. My Dream Girl. Right across from me in her room with the blinds to her window open where she is petting and talking to her dog.

I can't take it anymore! I have to find out what's happening to me. I have to figure out why she is in all of my dreams for the past three weeks. I get dressed and make my way downstairs. I walk to the kitchen and grab an apple saying hi to my parents as the movers drive up to the front of my house and start unpacking the truck.

"Hey, Mom, I think that I'm gonna go and introduce myself to the neighbors on our right." I tell her and my dad.

They look at each other with confused faces because I'm not normally the kind of person who would voluntarily go to someone's house just to introduce oneself. Except they don't know that our neighbors aren't random people. I know their daughter through my dreams. Let's just hope that she doesn't think that I'm a random stranger.

I put on my shoes and walk out the door and go towards her house. I take the last few bites of my apple as i think of what to say to her. What will I say to her?

"Hi! You've been in my dreams for the past few weeks. Please tell me why I've seen you in them." No! That was not going to be my first words to a pretty girl like that. She'd think that I am a complete nut.

I'm at her door. I ring the doorbell, and I hear a girl's voice yell to her mom that she'll get the door.

She opens the door, and our eyes meet. Her's are wide and bright like she's seen me before. Well at least She recognizes me.

"Hey. I'm Dustin."

Her eyes widen even more.

"I just moved into the house on your left, and I just wanted to introduce myself'."

"Hello. I'm Danielle. Would you like to come in? My mom is in the kitchen if you want to meet her also."

"Yeah, we're having a house party next week, and you and your family are invited if you want to go. There will be swimming and food and games and it'll be fun."

"That sounds like fun. I'd love to go! Let me go tell my mom. I'll be back in one moment." she said as she left for the kitchen.

I really need to tell her about my dreams, but I don't know how to or what else to say to her. She's going to think that I'm crazy if I do tell her, but I'm also going to go mad if I don't tell her.

My mom and I would love to come to your party. What's the date and time?"

"Next Friday at eight."

Her eyes grew in size once more. She knew that date and time from somewhere. Could it be possible that we not only dreamed about each other but also had the same dreams.

"Mom, do we have any plans next Friday at eight in the evening?!" She yelled into to kitchen.

"No, not that I know of," her mother replied while she came into the foyer.

"Okay, great! I'll see you at the party. Do we need to bring anything? Chips? Drinks? Deserts?"

"Not anything that I can think of at the moment, but if I do can I call or text you?"

"Sure. Here's my cell number." Danielle said as she scribbled her number on a notepad from the table in the foyer.

Great! I got her number! This is a pretty good start for me. Introduce myself to her mom. Check. Invite her to a party. Check. Get her phone number. Check. Tell her about my dreams. HELL NO!

"Thanks. I'll text you if my parents need anything. And I'm glad both of you can come to the party, but I should get back to my house and help my family unpack." I say.

"Oh no problem! I know how hectic it can be to move. You have a good day, alright?" Danielle's mother said.

"Alright. Wait! I never go your name Misses..." I trailed off.

"Wagner, but you can call me Victoria."

"Nice to meet you again Mrs. Victoria. I better go now, but thanks for being able to come to the party." I say as I leave my Dream Girl and her mother.

Danielle's POV

"Well he was cute." My mom mentioned to me as she lightly nudged me with her elbow. "And I saw the way your eyes shined when you looked at him. And his eyes were shining too."

Hell with this. I'm going to tell my mom. "It' just that he looks familiar to me and I don't know how." Maybe not the full truth.

"Mmhmm..." she trailed off. "Well that kind of makes sense because you wouldn't know him from the many parties you turn down for weekend volleyball tournaments."


"But how would you know him?"

"I have no idea." I said shanking my head.

"Well, I'm going to start dinner. Any preferances?"

"No, anything is alright with me."

"Okay! Sloppy Joe's it is!" she says enthusiastically. We always go for easy food whenever she doesn't fell like cooking. We have Sloppy Joe's, of course, frozen chicken piccata, which only takes a bit in the microwave and cooked noodles, or hot dogs, sausages, and bratwursts.

Dinner was great, but I couldn't get Dustin out of my mind. Was any of this happening for a reason? No, I don't believe in that "Everything happens for a reason" crap. I am just going crazy. That's it! I'm crazy.

I say goodnight to my mom after making my favorite chamomile and mint tea. Thank God for summer because it's 10 and I have no intention of going to bed tonight just to have the same dream about the same boy.

Too bad I can't pull "All Nighters" because within an hour or so, I was fast asleep in no time.

I didn't dream about meeting Dustin that night.

I dreamt about falling for him.


Thanks for reading my second chapter! I know I need to work on my technique, for I am only a novice, but I saw that I had a handful of reads so I thought I should write another chapter. Please comment and tell me what you think. I'm not really sure where my story is going to if anyone has input or words of encouragement for me about continuing please let me know! Hugs for everyone!


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