Edward, low and behold, was staring at Bella throughout the movie, so much so that the teacher called upon him to repeat the last few sentences from the movie. Edward being Edward repeated the lines and then continued onto lines that hadn't been said yet. I rolled my eyes at him, turning back to my drawing. 


It was later that day and I had changed into a nicer outfit. I walked with Jasper around the house, waiting for Bella to arrive with Edward. I glanced at a rather large painting. I walked past it, thinking nothing of it. I frowned, backing up and looking into the room once again. 

"What's that?" I questioned, causing Jasper to walk towards me. 

"The Volturi," he answered as I stepped into the room. "They're the closest thing to royalty."

"So the Vampire government?" 

"To put things simply, yes," he replied. "They make sure the laws are enforced."

"Vampire police then?" 

"Sort of." There was a pause. "Edward planned on going to them if Bella died," he told. 

"What about you? What would you have done if I died?"

"I have no idea," he admitted. I made a buzzer sound. 

"Wrong answer. You move on and live your undead life," I demanded. "Anyway, Bella's almost here, we better get downstairs. I give her two minutes."

Around two minutes later Bella entered what I assumed was the Cullen's living room. 

"It's time," Alice kept repeating as she dragged Bella along. 

"Sorry about all this. We tried to rein Alice in," Carlisle told her as he hugged the birthday girl.

"As if it were even possible," Esme joked, then hugging Bells. "Happy Birthday, Bella."

"I actually told her to go bigger but you know," I spoke up, shrugging. "I say go big or go home."

Bella shook her head, laughing at me. There was then a flash and the sound of a camera clicking. 

"I found it in your bag, you mind?" Alice questioned. Bella shook her head once again.

"Dating an older woman? Hot," I heard Emmett comment. I scoffed, rolling my eyes. Emmett glanced at me. "What?" I shook my head at him. 

"You first, Rosalie," Alice instructed, making Rosalie hold out a small box.

"It's a necklace. Alice picked it up," she dismissed. 

Bella muttered a 'thanks'. Then Alice dragged Edward next to Bella, the camera in her other hand.

"Show me the love," she spoke as she took a photo of the pair.

"This is from Emmett," Alice told as she handed a larger box to Bells. Bella shook the box but there was no sound.

"Already installed it in your truck," he informed. "Finally, a decent sound system for that piece of-" 

"Hey, don't- don't hate the truck," Bella cut him off. 

"Open Esme and Carlisle's," Alice demanded. 

"Just a little something to brighten your day," Carlisle told. 

"Yes, you've been looking kind of pale lately," Esme joked. Bella began to open the present. She winced, before pulling her finger away. It was bleeding. 

"Papercut," she said, holding her hand up. I frowned, noticing it was bleeding pretty bad. Next thing I know, Bella's been thrown across the room and everyone is trying to hold back Jasper. Rosalie had rushed in front of me, turning my attention to her. 

"Hey, hey look at me," she spoke softly. 

"Your hair looks nice curled at the ends," I complimented, ignoring what was happening behind her. "You should do it like that more often."

"You should leave your hair natural more often, it's really beautiful," she complimented back, trying her best to distract me. I glanced at Bella to see her bleeding very heavily. I looked away, back to Rosalie. 

"Get Jasper out of here," Carlisle ordered. The group took him away as Rosalie made sure I continued to look at her.

"I'm sorry, I can't," Alice apologised, exiting the room. 

"I'll have to stitch this up in my office," Carlisle informed. "Check on Jasper. I'm sure, he's very upset with himself. And I doubt he'll listen to anyone but you right now," Carlisle addressed, looking at me. I nodded, allowing Rosalie to lead me towards wherever he was. 

Once we got to him, she stayed by my side, scared of what may happen. 

"Hey, Jasper," I greeted, keeping my voice soft. He glanced at me before looking down. "Talk to me, please," I begged, moving forward. 

"Don't," he warned, making me frown. 

"You won't hurt me," I reassured.

"You don't know that," he argued, his voice low. 

"Yes, I do," I defended, my hand reaching out. 

"Please leave," he begged. I nodded, dropping my hand and leaving with Rosalie behind me. 

Complicated | Jasper Hale [OLD VERSION]Where stories live. Discover now