Camping trip.

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So, I was missing the country side. I mean. Who wouldn't? but Zach and I took a long long road trip back to Pa. I have a childhood weakness . hickory run camp site . It has cool looking streams and waterfalls. it's fun, there's bike trails and walking trails and romantic places to have a camp fire. I was looking for sticks one night and a daddy long leg spider crawled up my leg and I squealed! I hate that tingling feeling . Zach ran to me screaming in the forest and was romantic about it . 💖 he picked me up off my feet and curb stomped the spider. he ran back to the tent and just made my night sooo much better . If you know what I mean😜

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jul 20, 2014 ⏰

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