Just go

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Okay so I'm Tristan and this is Zachary.


We have decided to live on the road.

just him and I . Your probably

thinking.. where's the parents ????

Well in this story they don't exist. AT

ALL !!!!! alright, so , blah blah blah ...

living on the road ..😱 keeping

focused ! he and I graduated high

school (which is true). therefore he

went to college and I was really sad.

like realllllly sad! crying for weeks in

front of the tv yelling at that cat and

eating my abs away. So, your thinking

uhhhhh grow up. well that's what I did.

Sitting on the couch I get a

phone call. it's Zachary and this is what

he said .

" Hey love bugg, I have great news

1.) I have found an owner for stitch

blue Cleo and Layla.(my dogs)(also

real) and guess what ? the house is

sold. you have 12 days to move out.

your land has been resold and your

horses will be given to the buyers to the

house. I will see you soon."

Alright, I'm soooooooo con-fizzled . um

I have no home all of a sudden . lets go

pack my stuff up .

I have a list 👻!!!!!

Television, mirror,clothes, cubby stand,

trash cans, lights, toilet paper etc.

Alllll packed up. so now I call Zachary.

" What's the directions?"

"Go to Connecticut first "

And so I drive 8 hrs to his dorm and

then drive 45 min to an apartment he

rented out for me.

"Its beautiful !! Zach, your so amazing I

never would've thought ...."

"It's just you and me and once I'm done

college, were going to go back to Pa and

I WILL take you to Hershey park." And

guess what? he did 10+ months go by

like a flash. (the plus is for fun😉.)

We are just going to go to all

around the United States 2 or 3 months

at one spot and then move onto

something else. your prob. asking 'with

what money?' welllll, Zachary use to

work for a place that paid ten dollars an

hour and so did I . but, he had checks

coming in and when I had to work I got

paid that night. no no no not like that u

pervs I worked for a catering company

so that required lot of hours. well back

to us .

You know ? I never mentioned , I'm engaged to that beautiful man right over there( pointing direction) he proposed at the most beautiful spot. alright , he took me for a walk next to the river and we came to a fire pit in the middle of this big open section. Then ,he asked me "wanna know how much I love you" and he got on his knee and asked me. and of course I tackled him!

First stop . Yellowstone national park, Wyoming . this park extends into Montana and Idaho. it was soooo beautiful there. breath taking and a small bit of vertigo. when we were over there we stayed in this beautiful cabin the ice sickles on the window were fantastic 😁 don't stand under them.

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