Adding Insult to Misery

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Victini: Pikachu got hurt. That's all you need to know because there wasn't even a challenge in the last episode. Also because of Pikachu's injury he went home.

(Theme song plays)

Garboder: I'm thinking about opening a restaurant when this shows over. What should I call it.

Litten: Slop Shop.

Zorua: Turd Munchies.

Togepi: GRUB-oder's

Flareon: Garboder's Ugly

Porygon: Total Drama Pokemon.

Litten: That's the name of the show, dumbass.

Porygon: (sad) sorry.

Litten: You don't have to be sad, you just have to get a brain.

Porygon: Can I buy that at the mall?

Litten: I walked myself right into that one.

Porygon: But you're sitting.

Litten: (facepalms)

Porygon: Don't smack yourself.

Victini: Everyone listen up! There will be a challenge today just like normal. Meet me at the dock in 5 minutes!

(Litten Confessional)
Litten: Should I break up the alliance I have with Porygon. I don't hate him, it's just that he isn't even helping much! Like what exactly has he done to help me get farther in this competition. Also he's very stupid.

(Porygon walks in and sits on toilet)

Litten: Very very stupid.

Porygon: Do you mind?!

Victini: Litten up everybody. Today you will be doing a battle tournament.

Litten: Hello? Type disadvantages. What if I get paired up against a w-w-water type.

Togepi: WATER you so afraid of? He's going to turn off type disadvantages anyways so WETS it gonna matter. Right?

Victini: What do you think I am? Magic. Yeah sorry but if you go up against Vaporeon. Ya screwed!

Vaporeon: Oh yeah! I'm gonna burn out your flames!

Litten: Oh yeah well you look like a swollen... Traffic cone.

Victini: (sarcastically) Nice one.

Litten: Shut up.

Victini: Also I have soon really big news!

Porygon: Your Pregnant?

Victini: What the helioptile? No! The merge is here.

Porygon: Does that mean you will give me a high five.

Victini: What do you think? Alright. You will all be fighting against one another. I will pair you up. Cubone will Fight Mincinno, Litten will fight Eevee, Porygon will fight Vaporeon, and Togepi will fight Zorua.

(Confessional (all))
Zorua: You

Togepi: are

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