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The sound of books falling made Minghao snapped out of his sleep.
He slowly opened his eyes only to be greeted with a ray of sunshine shining from an open creak on his attic, as if it was mocking him for sleeping so long. "What have I been reading last night anyway?" he wondered, crosses his arms and tries to remember the night.

He remembers that he was trying to find something from the attic before he got distracted by a bunch of photo albums he found. A ray of light hit a long rod-like object, making the object shine a glint of light enough to make him notice.

Then it hit him. He hurriedly searched for his phone and immediately turns it on. The screen slowly lit up, and the numbers 10:15 showed up.

"Oh thank goodness," he sighed, relieved that it wasn't too late.

He was supposed to meet his fellow college friend Mingyu who have kept begging on Minghao to accompany him as this is the first time for him to go on a fishing trip.

Hence Minghao jumps out of his seat to take a quick bath and get dressed. The boy decided to wear his denim jacket and the bucket hat he bought together with Mingyu a couple of days ago.
He grabs the backpack he prepared beforehand and of course, not forgetting to bring his good old-fashioned camera along.

Out of a sudden, a tickly feeling of fur ran across his feet.

It was Saji, a white, puffy kitty that Minghao's housemate adopted recently.

"No, no, you're not supposed to be in my room!" he scolded as he lifts up the feline. Saji replied with a short growl, trying to get her paws to the camera hung on his neck, which she eventually managed to lay a scratch on his beloved camera.

Minghao was surprised by the feline's action and lift the camera away from her range. The boy was very disappointed since the camera was the first item he bought from his own salary, something that he cherished, to be proud of. But then it's no use to throw anger to a pet, isn't it?

He brushes off his feelings and tries to ignore the incident. Minghao takes a glance at the cat in his hands.

"You're very sly, aren't you?" He muttered as he showed some sort of angry-pouty face towards the pet. Saji seems to understand the situation as she responds it with a scared-sorry look.

"Such adorable furball," He chuckled, then quickly walks over to the living room and places Saji in a corner of the room with some cat related objects scattered around. || svt AUWhere stories live. Discover now