Chaptèr 29

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-later that night-

Astrid's POV.

Ok I'm losing it! I only have a few hours until our date. Wait, he has to come home to get dressed too... Or does he? Did he already come home?

Oh my gods I'm losing my mind. I'm just going to choose one of my dress that looks good. Would he like green or blue? Maybe my red? Hmmm...

"Stormfly! What do you think of the blue?"


"No eh? How about the red?"

She nodded yes so ok that works. I just hope it fits now because of our baby. I didn't get much bigger yet. You can barely tell yet.

I started putting it on, and as I was Ruff came in. PERFECT!!

"Ruff! Help me get the dress on!!"

"Dress? What's going on tonight?"

"Hicc and I are going on a date!"

"Wait, isn't that for dating people and not married people?"


"It's true,.."


"Fine. Does the dress fit?"

"Yes, just help me!!"

She started helping me and after a few minutes of fighting with it, it came on. It wasn't tight, just snug. So than Ruff said

"Well you can definitely tell your gonna have a kid if you barely fit in your dresses.."

"Shut it!"

At that I tried to sit in it. I sat perfectly in it and it ripped..... OH MY GODS!!!

I never even got to wear this dress for Hiccup! Than Ruff said

"Well, nice rip. Don't bend anymore!"

"Ruff! I swear if you keep going I'll-

"You'll what?"

"Just help me!"

At that we took my dress off and Ruff started looking at it. Than I asked

"How bad?"

"Well let's just say you need a new red dress."

"Oh gods.... Do you have and dresses that are a little bigger than mine? I'll fit in anything a little bigger."

"Yeah hold here."

She ran out the house and went to get some dress. I sat down on the bed covering up a little bit waiting. Than I heard the door open.

That was quick. I looked down the stairs and saw Heather. Why is she here?

"Uh can I help you?"

"Actually can I help you? Ruff said you needed it."

"Really? She couldn't of just kept quiet?"

"Astrid, you know her better than I do, and we both know she can't."


She came up and looked at my red dress. I just looked away. I was kinda ashamed for it. Than she said

"I can work with this."

"What do you mean?"

"Well it was a dress with straps and kinda poofy right?"

"Yeah, and?"

"I can make you a new dress out of it. One that will fit and look good."

"WHAT? How?"

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