Chapter 43: "Diplomatic Mission with Rashid!"

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"Che... Th-This—We still don't trust you, you know!" Jafar says.

"So what I told you got you all worried, huh? That's why we should've just gone when I said so." Judar says, "But he's going right? Don't try to hide it, freckles."

"What?! Stop calling me freckles!" Jafar says.


"Sinbad and Annalise are heading out on another trip? It's going to be lonely." Sharrkan says as he stood outside listening with Masrur.

"Mentor, that's because you have no friends." Masrur says.

"Shut up! Of course I don't! I never had the change to spend time with kids my own age, so I don't understand them!" Sharrkan says as his face turns bright red while he clonks Masrur on the head with the Heliohapt artifact he carries, "But that kid Judar especially... I have no idea what he's thinking, and it's a little scary."

"I know what you mean." Annalise's voice says and the two turn to find her wearing a beautiful gown ready for her and Sinbad's wedding. Pipirika and Rurumu stood beside her.

"I can go the rest of the way girls." Annalise says.

"Alright, we'll get back to work!" Pipirika says.

"Sharrkan, you know, you and Masrur are friends because you are all boys that I cherish as if you were really my own children." Annalise says and Sharrkan's cheeks turn bright red. Masrur gets to Annalise first and hugs her. Masrur's eyes widen as he steps back and looks at her.

"Annalise... you're..." Masrur says and Annalise giggles.

"I expected you'd be the first to find out. Isn't it amazing? I haven't told Sin, because... I know he'll make me stay here, but I'm not worried." Annalise says, "It's just beginning to grow after all."

"Yeah, but Fanalis could be different." Masrur says.

"Because you grow so fast?" Annalise says as she kneels down to his and Sharrkan's height, "I want you two boys to be good while I'm gone. No fighting, and when we get back... you can tell me all about the fun you two had while I was gone."

"Yes ma'am." Masrur says.

"I'll look after him." Sharrkan says.

"Look after each other." Annalise says as she places her hands on their cheeks. She stands up and heads towards the room where Judar and Jafar were still arguing.

"She was so pretty in that gown." Sharrkan says.

"You know we have good hearing right?" Masrur says.

"It's a compliment! It's supposed to be heard." Sharrkan says.

"Sinbad, you're going to Parthevia, aren't you?" Serendine asks.

"Yeah, but don't worry. Annalise and I plan to just observe the current situation. We won't say anything about you." Sinbad says.

"Just be careful while you're there. That man is there somewhere. He used us... he's a terrifying man. You must avoid him at all costs." Serendine says.

"We understand." Annalise says as she steps into view.

"Oh... one more thing... my brother... And sort of information you can get is fine. So when you come back, please bring news of what's happened to my brother." Serendine says to Annalise since Sinbad was dumbstruck with how beautiful Annalise looked.

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