1.61 Memories (1)

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For the Northern Plains, as their terrain did not yield too much metals to produce weapons, the warriors were more adept in hand-to-hand combats. That was why their grips were strong and could break human bones easily. The stronger warriors could even destroy boulders and stones with their fists. But little JingHan would always join the two men in practice whenever he could.

Then during the disturbance and after old Jing was assassinated, because of the chaos, Zhang SongWang lost his sight on old Jing's son and subsequently, JingHan.

"I am glad to see you safe," he smiled at him, then added carefully, "What about your sibling?"

JingHan had a little brother - merely a baby at the time.

True to SongWang's concern, JingHan shook his head. There was distant sadness in those deep brown eyes.

"Your father? your mother?" - he already knew the answer to that, but still he wanted to be entirely sure.

Once again, JingHan shook his head.

There was silence between them while SongWang thought hard of the questions and words he wanted to say. Then a low pitched miserable squawk was heard --

-- It came from the forgotten bird, still lying pitifully on the floor. Its wings were spread open, spanning widely across the floor. Its beady eyes looked at Zhang SongWang, luster in his eyes. It looked utterly exhausted.

"A mountain eagle?" Zhang SongWang muttered. He had seen his share of mountain eagles before, but never this large. The birds in the wild could never have long lifespan. The northern terrains was not a friendly place to live in for the birds, although they already tend to choose higher places. There were too many wild beasts eating their youngs, and even if they managed to grown into adulthood, competition for scarce food resources left many to starve or killed by their own kin.

Therefore, this bird must have been taken care by someone. But by the look of the wounds on JingHan's arms and necks - clearly from the bird's beaks and claws - , and his rough treatment towards the bird, SongWang doubted that JingHan was its master.

JingHan noticed SongWang's curious gaze towards the eagle. He briefly looked at the bird in disgusted dismay, recalling the painful pecks and scratches he received from it. Then he looked at SongWang as he growled disdainfully,



"..." Zhang GuoFu felt so dizzy he wanted to faint.

Did this man just call his Imperial Father - the Emperor - a cow?

However, the Emperor himself did not look offended, so GuoFu held himself back from pointing his sword once again at the stranger, for the crime of insulting the Emperor.

The Emperor merely pointed at the bird, "This bird?"

JingHan nodded and said once again, "Bad. Bird. Niu!"

The Emperor nodded and shifted his eyes towards Zhang GuoFu - who by this time was feeling neglected and utterly confused.

"GuoFu. Please ask Ho gong-gong outside to fetch Imperial Physician Su!"

Ho gong-gong was the Emperor's personal eunuch who was waiting just outside the garden in front of the room - the very same one who had escorted them inside.

Zhang GuoFu nodded and headed out briefly to do what his father just asked, and quickly returned.

Everyone in the room was silent with their own thoughts, making the whole atmosphere uncomfortable for Zhang GuoFu. This time, SongWang had knelt in front of the bird, observing it with mild interest. JingHan stood by his side. The bird let out a weak sound every now and then.

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